Character outfit customization

Post » Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:03 am

It will be great to have a possibility of customizing your character's outfit with various spikes, sculls, chains, etc to make it looks unique and recognizable.
Armor painting and various logos on armor will be pretty good too. Excuse my bad English... I am a Russian bear, it's hard to type with claws.
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Kitana Lucas
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Post » Sun Jun 14, 2009 7:48 pm

apb customization with even more stuff!

but apart from APB, the armor you wear should affect resistance, you just have to own the armor to customize it (or you can just precustomize any armor you want so when you take it on you have it precustomized).

and yes, i want to add unnecessary stuff to my armor :P like big spikes and chains... and..eeh... something else that just looks cool!

a world where everyone looks the same is not fun :( Image
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Post » Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:50 am

And it is unhandy. Today I was talking with my friend (and that's why I've created this post). He is playing WoW, and he is have a complaint: "there are two palladdins in our guild with the same armor, it's hard to recognize them during a raid, we have to use markers on them". I haven't such a problem in Warhammer, you will mistake two players of one class only if they will paint their same armor the same colors and wear the same trophys the same way. Excuse my bad English... I am a Russian bear, it's hard to type with claws.
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kevin ball
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Post » Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:18 am

for this one i'll take note of your FPS APB although for me it is way too much and complicated or maybe i just not the artistic kind and prefer to pick some pre made char that ppl with talent made and have all those options under advanced tab.

never the less the verity shown (look in the end for few samples) is amazing, since most games now use in game engine for everything, which usually means limited number of models thus limited verity (unless you count all the stretching and coloring of the samethings) this can add a lot more verity and uniqueness for NPC otherwise at best we will have only Harold.

FO wise, i dont think that we need such complex character customization at all, on the other hand crafting customization can be nice, you can always make th default metal armor or make something special, something that no one can find in some "dungeon", for example have some special decal for your faction that only can wear etc...

also i dont care very much for all those tramp stamps etc.. i would rather have more option to fit my own set of armor from what i find a long the way, making everyone look more tetard rather all in shiny armor's... (although from what i heard its much harder to allow this, fitting all the pieces together and all...)

p.s. damn you ppl fast, 2 post before i manged to hit the submit.
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Floor Punch
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Post » Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:40 am

APB customization is quite easy actually, on the other hand, it is hard to create good looking logos, or stuff to put on your shirt :P

But I don't think FOnline (not 2238) should have that kind of customization, I want this game to have more of a add different things like spikes, chains maybe even skulls :P and when crafting you could add more armor plating that would show on the armor as well.

You should be able to change color as well, just not in the same way as APB (just dont want a big ass gang running around in the wasteland with pink armors...) and there should be spots for gang logos on the armor as well, pre-made spots like on the shoulder, back, chest.

damn its hard to try and explain ones ideas via a text, without making it super long... Image
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:45 am

Omg, I should play it. It's perfect for a customization maniac like me. But I was speaking about another thing. In all other MMO's it's called "a cosmetic items". It's good as for RP as for characters' individuality. Excuse my bad English... I am a Russian bear, it's hard to type with claws.
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Post » Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:21 am

Custom/awarded decals on armor/weapons.
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:58 am

Imagine ... just imagine .... top level Character with power armor , no helmet with a couple head over the shoulders ,some skulls (or mice skeletons) hanging midair between the legs , a deathclaw (wich by the way should be a pain in the ass to kill unlike fallout 3) skin with the head oxer the shoulder too and a yao head to the torso .... EPIC SH!T
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:46 am

Such a flashiness is his own problem. If you have an option to decorate your character - it is the only your choice to make it looks cool or shitty. Excuse my bad English... I am a Russian bear, it's hard to type with claws.
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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:51 am

One of the problems I see with allowing too much customization of armor is that it makes the game harder for your average computer to handle, this doesn't effect me but I see the concern of others.

I have two areas that I think customization should be implemented or a variation of it:

1- In high end pvp, basically arenas but maybe just in general, as you gain notoriety/rank you should get consumable items that allow you to customize the way your gear looks while the armor would stay the same quality. That way someone will realize ohh crap here comes a really good pvper but still have a chance at living since his gear wouldn't be any better.

2- Faction differentiation, if it exists, Evil Faction gear should look much different then Good Faction gear. I think the use of a token/points based gearing system would help this. Say you kill the Master and he drops the token used for a helm.

An evil faction character turns it in and gets a power armor helmet that looks like the Enclave Helm.

A good faction character turns it in and gets a power armor helmet that looks the traditional BoS Helm.

Also evil faction characters armors would looks more organic and feature human skulls.

Why good faction characters armors would look cleaner, shinier, and have more elemental effects such as glowing orbs and what not.
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Peter lopez
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Post » Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:22 am

I think I should be able to tape a mole rat to my back, legs facing outward, so that if I get knocked over backwards he can start running and whisk me away from danger.

Customisation is cool, just so long as we don't end up with everybody customising the same way :) Maybe you'll sit and sigh, wishing that I were near
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And maybe I'll say "Maybe"
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jessica robson
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Post » Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:09 pm

Love customization. Not sure a player in MMO history as asked for less.

Where customization is really key is the battlefield. A uniform is what defines an organized military unit...... it's what keeps them from shooting each other for the most part.

Short of having colored faction names floating above a players head, color dyes can help you distinguish friend from foe.
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