You should try posting your work for other artists to help you refine it. You're not ready to be paid yet for drawing, I think you're letting the praise of people who can't draw a stick figure go to your head.
I meant to say be careful of letting the praise go to your head.
Ashlander types. I'll look for some and edit my old post with them. If i cannot find some I like i will leave it up to you.
Yes, I have it on DeviantArt also, to get critiques. I don't believe I'm ready for Bethesda (but if they think I am, I will totally take that!), but if I try my hardest I think I am ready to make money for it.
Lol, it's okay. It might not look like it, because I don't want to look self-pitying or anything, but I don't really think I'm that great. I just want to give people a nice gift to cheer them up and help pass the time till the game comes out. It makes me so happy when people like my work, too.

Not to mention it's great practice, because I am determined to become a concept artist for Bethesda someday. And I'm trying to make a manga.

So, practice makes perfect!
Alright, thanks.