I'll draw you your character if you don't have the time/materials. :3
Okay, official stuff!
1. Please provide race, description, name, and reference if possible. I am totally okay with coming up with stuff on my own, but then I can't be held liable if it isn't what you want (if you didn't specify, although I will usually run my ideas by you first).
2. One character per person.
3. These are free. If you absolutely insist, I won't refuse payment, but I'm certainly not going to make anyone pay.
4. These will be black&white head shots. However, you should still tell me colors and clothing/accessories, as I still show the neck, and shading gray depends on the original color.
5. I probably won't do these in the order listed. These are the order in which they were received by me, so I will try to adhere to it. But if I'm having trouble, I might do a different one and then come back. Your picture will get finished, please be patient.

6. I'm going to try to have these done by the time the game comes out. Once the game comes out, I won't take any more requests. Any requests posted after 11-11-11 should be submitted to the commission section.
8. You can, of course, use your picture for whatever you want. I would like it if you credit me, but you don't have to. At least, not for the free ones. You may also use any of the other pictures I post on here if you get the permission of the person the picture was drawn for. If you use the pictures as reference for your own pictures/roleplays, please post 'em! And also, feel free to use my character in your roleplays. I'll be posting new journal entries for her most days on DeviantArt.
9. Thanks, guys! I can't tell you how grateful I am to get this many requests and be in such a great community!
Request list:
killerpenguin: Imperial, Talos
Sharn: Breton, Sevric
shadowblood: Dunmer, Taros Belivan
Brutalis: Dunmer, Drallam
XGuerrilla: Argonian, Nagu
Darth Caedus: Argonian, Snow
Stoker: Redguard, Rowan
M3LA: Imperial, Mechanical Eye
UberPwnage: Breton, Philipe Bertrand
Legacy EKB: Dunmer, Telvanni Hunter
Rhanyan: Breton, Sibyl
Skrim Sniper: Argonian, Teleebra
Daegor: Dunmer, Elric
Reavera: Bosmer, Reavera
TyromeBankson: Orc, Oghren
Albinodunmer: Dunmer, Amaraz Indobar
The Khajiit Khal'Drogo: Khajiit, Khal'Drogo Dar'Raka
Anyone drawn/found a picture for the character you want to make? Do one of the example faces fit perfectly? Show!
I already drew mine: