And here I was hoping that you were going to say the screenshots were uploaded...
I knew about this already, having seen it in the last thread asking for an Argonian screenshot. Though when we can expect to see them, I have no clue, I just hope it's soon, Bethesda has held off releasing an Argonian screenshot far too long already, and that's really what I'm most concerned with right now as far as how races look, since we've already seen a Khajiit and an orc. As to the human races, as far as I'm concerned, if you can get one type of human to look good, we can probably assume the others do as well, I guess it would be nice to get a good look at all types of elves, since even though I don't plan on playing as them, I still have to look at them when playing the game, so I want them to look presentable, but they can wait until after I've seen Argonians.
Or better yet, Bethesda can just release 20 screenshots showing clear images of males and females of all ten races in the game, then we can't complain that we haven't seen pictures of this race or that.
I also await this one just to see if Argonians can actually be sixy.
I doubt it.
I hope they won't be, at least, not sixy by the standards of the majority of the series' fanbase, they're lizards, they're not supposed to be sixy by normal human standards, a lizard-man that a normal person would find sixy is an abomination in my book.
so knowing bethesda, sometime before summers over.
Or perhaps even sometime before the game is released!