There could be more choices in some of those categories (like, Classes. You have "yes, I want them" and "no, I don't want them", but no "I don't have an opinion".)
re: Attributes.
Not having them at all seems kind of strange, but one thing I definitely won't miss is having to keep a record sheet alongside my keyboard, so that I could keep track of which skills I'd gotten points in since last level, so that I could make sure not to hit the next level until I had gotten three stats to +4/+5.
And, of course, this also leads into the class thing.... I don't have a problem with the class bit, because I always made a custom class - because, to control your leveling and make sure you got good stat boosts, you had to make a class where you made sure none of your "major" skills were ones you'd actually use.
And all those gyrations people went through, in order to not end up with a "bad" Oblivion character? I'm sure they're a big reason for some of the changes in Skyrim.