Character Stories #7

Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:27 am

Oh, do you only get one DLC on the console versions?

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Umpyre Records
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 12:57 am, I had all three on my 360, I meant that IF I had a console again...meaning no mods... and could only get one DLC, I would choose to get Hearthfire.

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.X chantelle .x Smith
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 12:33 pm

Ah! Gotcha.... I'd probably go for Dragonborn. Hearthfire's fine, but there's a LOT of nice house mods around, and I have zero use for "spouse and kids". Dragonborn is fun.... Well.... SOME of it's fun. I really really hate apocrypha - it's.... nauseating - I mean IRL: the movement etc. causes my vertigo to kick up, and that makes my stomach not happy.... I have to do it in very small doses.... I managed the whole thing once, and I just won't do it on anyone else. If I want all the bits to display, I'll just console them in.

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Rachie Stout
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 4:54 pm

Well yes on PC, I'd choose Dawnguard, cause I have some really nice house mods. I hate going through Apocrypha, I don't get vertigo, but I still hate it. Half of the things in it aren't what I play it. Crossbow's.... and the DG armor, my favorite non-mod armor.

Edit: Grits, glad you liked the story! It was meant to be sad, on more than one level.

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helen buchan
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 1:15 am

I just can't even wrap my mind around playing this game on a console - with no mods. Can't. Thank the GODS I don't have to!

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Nana Samboy
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 4:55 pm

Ah, but having done so for 4 year's, it makes me appreciate mods all the more. I am a mod junkie... I admit it, that first download ( game & DLC's on disc) ... I completely maxed my Sat. Data 20 GB, then used my phone's data for more.. I knew what I wanted, had been researching Skyrim Mod's the begining. But I do find mod's that suit particular stories, I often have in mind before I do them... and sometimes a mod will give me some inspiration for a story.

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Annick Charron
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:29 am

Houses for me inspire the girls who will live in them. I have Elisdriel for a Wood Elf archer:

I'm interested to see where she winds up. I'm already hearing from her about things. It's disconcerting to have part of one's ego decide to poke at one about things....

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Paula Ramos
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 3:37 am

They help me also... the perfect house can really help... Aillyn really became a unique person when she grabbed that first quarterstaff, even though it has the same animations has the hammer, it look's like something a Bard would use, fit's perfect with her pack and Lute ... which is another thing that really helps the "Become a Bard" mod ( no longer on the Nexus). She "play's" in each Inn that they come to. But the "Farm" & "cabin" being on either side of the "Hall" really make's the RP a simple thing.

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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 4:33 pm

That mod's not on the nexus any more? Damn. I never downloaded it.... can you give me a link for it? I was waiting for the girl for it to show up.... she hasn't yet, but probably any day now....

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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:54 am

It is on Steam.... I have not updated to this version yet ( there another link 1/2 down the page),.... don't forget <<~~ also a strait link on this page.. the "direct download link"

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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 9:23 am

Um. I don't download mods from steam.

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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 9:42 am

Not that it is required, but sometimes an opposite perspective can be useful. It is not just about the actions either, but the story. What it means to take a certain path. Where it leads. Not only you, but those affected by your choice, no matter if they know it or not. How far do you push someone, before they act? How much do you think it will take to get someone to act? Will they just take it, and do nothing? Or will they act, and what they do, you never thought they would. Perhaps, many of those who may not have physically acted themselves, they chose another method. A gristly one, to be sure, but one that may have far better results. But is it for a reason? One that is solid enough to warrant someone's death? Or is it for petty revenge? It may be that the reason for it, comes to down to one thing - no other method will work. If Lalia or Maven don't care about the Orphanage, don't care about what goes on inside it, how does it ever change? Maybe when Grelod dies, naturally? Then how long do those kids suffer under her care? Another few years? Only for some of them to be kicked out the door with nothing?

Maybe it is not the best outcome, but, it changes things. It opens up possibility for things to get better. Hence, why, it is only after this event, that these kids have a chance to be adopted, and go to a good home.

Even with that, while it may not be relevant just yet, some of the others are not as, technically justifiable, while some are, even if you have to think about the details. This even applies to one of the last, whom, even being a forum for it, I won't spoil. But the point is this - a hero is not always going to be the one in the shining armor. In this case, it may just be the one in the darkest leather, hiding in the shadows.


Entry 3

Sometimes the why is irrelevant. Do you think I know everything? No. Some want answers, and when they are impossible to find, it may be believed there is something wrong with the question. With the reason for the question. Perhaps in time it may become clear, or it may never.

That night was restless. Though it may have physically have been restful, it was not otherwise. But I could hardly call these nightmares. Some where sights that I had seen before. Brief hints of places I had been, and heard about. Others, things I could barely begin to understand. Everything, what I could barely hope to come up with myself.

The sight of a soul, bound, their fate resting upon the blade of an ax. But it never comes. Fear grips their heart as they stare at something ancient, deadly. Soon their end does come, but in a roar of fire, and with that, the world loses it's ability to breath a sigh of relief. For this brings to my eyes the sight of that black, monstrous creature roaring atop corpses, above slaves, and worse. In this, there seems no glimmer of hope. A future in which despair is rampant, and perhaps, devoid of reprieve.

There seems no end to this. Only a continual barrage of sights, some of them dredging up the kind of fear one would think exists as a child, but no, it still lingers. Even worse, now it hurts.

“You believed it impossible. You should have known. You made it this way.”

Bodies burned to ashes upon belief. A home falling to ruin in the trees. In this, there is hope, but not for all. Those who have taken a hand, gripped with a fervor equal to those that would slay them for it. With this outcome there is, nothing. Only the apparent day to day activities, with most not knowing what had occurred. Thinking that nothing wrong had happened, or that what happened was right. Worse still? This judgment, comes from a hand that is none other...than my own. The spoken words are not mine. Uttered perhaps long before. Maybe just before. But they are not, mine.

I see nothing but stagnation here. No changes, no differences. Everything remaining the same. Staying as is apparently wanted. Nothing changing for the better, with the blind masses believing it to be fine. That nothing is wrong. That nothing should change.

Imagine a dream where you are having fun. Where things are, good. But you think there is a problem. Things could be better, and you know it. What happens when you try to control this dream?



Cold. Nothing new for me, but this was slightly different. A drafty house, perhaps? I could surely still be within the confines of Nightgate Inn, but something told me that was not the case. I had barely chosen to open my eyes, and yet that was clear. The sound of breathing I was unfamiliar with. No hints of a bard choosing to perform. No sounds of life as is usual in a tavern. Only the sound of whistling wind, the creaking of boards, and the soft rustling of fabric, leather, and perhaps a few candles in the dark of this place.

“Sleep well?”

My vision became clearer as I stood. I felt no pain, save for perhaps a bit of hunger, but that was nothing. I felt no wounds, nothing different from when I fell asleep. Otherwise, things where different. Where was impossible to tell, only that this shack was no where near the Inn, as the cold was, different. More muggy, even with a chill.

But that was not the most pressing matter. Atop a bookcase, I stared at a woman who wore all black, with a hood that had a mask which covered her face. Somehow I could almost tell that, even if there was agitation in her voice, she was still smiling.

What she said, I found amusing. Her voice had a seductive tone, almost like a lure for my attention. Though it was not really her tone that drew me in, but rather, the substance, the meaning behind what she said.

Though it seemed rather petty, my actions against Grelod was, not my place. Rather, it was a job for her family. A group that, whilst being known in Tamriel, had kept to the shadows for centuries. Even with several attempts to stamp them out, by the Empire, and perhaps even others, it all failed. Perhaps even in the wake of the Oblivion Crisis, the group still thrived. How well, I cannot say.

Who are they?

The Dark Brotherhood.

But this is not it. Her words, suggested that I owed something. Something I had little problem doing. Behind me, as I guessed, were three people, each of them rendered sightless by a sack over their heads. From their words, even if they were trying to dodge showing it, they felt fear. Even the woman who I felt the need to slap, her words being just as course as that of the Windhelm guards, albeit lacking the racial comments, was not bereft of fear. The Khajiit, was no stranger to this kind of situation. Thinking that this would be similar to the any other described situation, where this was more about being roughed up. Lastly, the Nord – a bandit, clearly, who surely was guilty of something, causing one enough pain to warrant revenge.

You know what I am about to say. One of these three, must die. A repayment for the hag, as it were. Ha. Ha. One? ONE?

I took the dagger from my hip, staring at it. Three outcomes went through my head, although there were probably more. I could do as asked, and kill one of them. I could do more than asked, and kill all three of them. Or, I could do what this woman in leather is probably not expecting by any means – I could attack and kill her instead.

Sweet Mother, Sweet Mother. Send your child onto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in Blood and Fear.


Entry 4, Meeko's...Writing?

Woof.(Happy Bark)

Um, what? Sorry, I had to. ;)

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jaideep singh
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:56 am

The link on his page, doesn't send you anywhere, just downloads....which lent me to having part of it downloaded on my chrome book...

I haven't, but more as a... nothing I want has been there that I couldn't find elsewhere.. than anything else.

Their is also a "sticky" post on in the Post's section with the direct link and another mod.... In the song book mod.

Maxus...very nice update...(s).... lol I do love your perspecitves.

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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 3:02 pm

Oh, thanks Areial - I was half-asleep last night and wasn't paying full attention obviously! Getting them right now. Oh, that craftable instruments one - I need to go give that link to someone who posted a question about Wind Path!

Max, that was GREAT! And so was Meeko's addition!

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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 2:30 am the musings of life, and the decisions that must be made, no matter that we may want, or not want, to make them. Or how we feel about them. The reflections apply to fantasy and real life as well. Very well done.

:D at Meeko!

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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 9:33 am

Serethil, Jensa has lost track of that confident young woman who left a loving but limiting family and named herself Summer-Song. Introspection is not her strong suit, so it’s slow going. I think in this state she might have turned Stenvar into another mistake.

Areial, I love Become a Bard. I’m always trying to nudge characters in that direction. They rarely listen.

Maxus, great job tackling the problem of the orphanage and what follows. Nice input from Meeko! ^_^

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Alex [AK]
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 11:38 am

Grit's...lately I have found a couple of RP's where being a Bard made sense and suited their personality. My Male characters don't play Bard, which is fine. I kow what ya mean though, I have nudged a couple in that direction and the results weren't really good.

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patricia kris
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:14 am

I thought Jacelyn was going to go for it, but when she got to the Bards College on other business it looked like too much work. She prefers imagining that she is a star, not being the person who practices all the time and becomes a star. :D

I still miss my Imperial bard Varia Velvus. Her game developed quite the rock-n-rock vibe. Due to a mod conflict one of her bodyguards became unresponsive but still followed, like a stalker. Her crush Orgnar was killed by one of her followers (probably the lute player) in a bar fight, causing her to flee Whiterun Hold. She couldn’t return to Riverwood for ages without getting attacked by angry citizens. Chaos just seemed to erupt around her.

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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:47 am

Grit's LoL, that would be fustrating and funny at the same time. I have not used that part of the mod's, I prefer just my character playing, though I may sometime see how thing's fare otherwise.

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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 4:31 am


We explored the land, not being in any hurry to reach the city of Falkreath. We also did not hunt, I had no need of hides, and no wish to carry any if I didn't have to. Our mood had been spoiled, and I wasn't dealing with it well. Still, there were wolves, and I would not leave their hides to waste. A couple of rabbits for supper later was all I took on purpose. We camped in the late afternoon, in a clearing where a spriggan objected to our presense, and I added the sap from her to my pack. Soon the aromas of roasting herbed rabbit and skewered forest mushrooms were added to the forest scents, and we sat by the crackling fire.

Kerik knelt behind me and started rubbing my shoulders and neck, working at knots I didn't know I had. I almost tried to push him away, my temper still uncertain at best, but the firm set of his hands on me said it wouldn't have been easy, and it really felt too good anyway. Soon enough, I no longer wanted to do anything. "Ake, you're not dealing with this alone. Never again, you need to remember it." I was beginning to feel boneless under his hands, the awful tension easing, but we needed to eat before the food burned, so I pulled him down to sit.

I held his palm to my cheek, needing the comfort. "It's just so much happening, in such a short time. I told Gerdie the same once, and I thought my life had calmed for a while, but it just hasn't. I feel like I've been on a wild, uncontrollable ride ever since coming to Skyrim. I knew Stennis was trouble on two legs, but even I didn't realize the lengths he would go to, to get what he wanted. I feel bad for Cammi, to have birthed him and seen what he became. She's only said his father was dead, nothing more. My Father probably knows. Was his sire the same, is that how Stennis became as he was?" I took the rabbit from the fire, and we both ate the juicy meat with relish. I popped a mushroom into my mouth, enjoying the earthy taste, and held one up for Kerik to try.

We rarely drank mead while we traveled, but Kerik pulled one from his pack to share with me. He took another mushroom, savoring it before he spoke. "There's no telling what turns a person bad Ake, and it's no good trying to figure it out, especially not for one that is dead now. I would kill him again for you, if I could." He took another bite of meat, the juices trailing from the side of his mouth. I wanted that grim look on his face gone. Smiling, I leaned over, and licked the juice from his skin. I felt him shudder as he swallowed before giving me a quick, hard kiss. " make me crazy again and again." He whispered, "But I like it." My mood lifted anew, and we finished eating. Wrapped in his arms, we watched the moons rise before retiring to our tent.

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Robert Jackson
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 4:24 pm

@ Grits: My character once played the wrong song in the Bannered mare, so I sympathize with you... :)

and to Andra:

Very nice, Andra!

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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 11:54 am

Thank you, :D.

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Shae Munro
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 7:48 am

Using Take Notes, I did those things.

I'm kinda tempted to not continue though, unless you guys have some sarcastic or ironic interest, that is. Okay, if you do have genuine interest, too.

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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 12:47 pm

Andra. .. I love how they aren't hunting just to hunt. Eventually Ake might believe Kerik when he says he'll be there for her.

Raging Ghost... very nice pieces to the story, I like the journal style. Got to love how NPC's sometimes decide to run around in their drawers.
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Kara Payne
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2016 3:29 am

Areial, she'll figure it out sooner or later, LOL. Maybe. Thanks.

RagingGhost, nice pieces of Leonde's journal. Tell us the rest of his story. :) Let Leonde join the rest of our characters here in this thread, rather than teasing us with little bits. :D

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Rozlyn Robinson
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