Personally, I really enjoy creating a little backstory and personality to my character, which I will follow when it comes to quest choices. In my first playthrough of Fallout: New Vegas, in which I sided with Yes-Man, I played the good guy. He highly believed in the freedom of the waste's inhabitants and, subsequently, shunned all major factions which tried to impose their views on others. Saving the innocent town of Goodsprings from the Powder Gangers whom were attempting to cease control of the town and, subsequently, Doc Mitchell (the Doc had saved him after his run in with Benny). Heading onto Primm, the Courier saved yet another town from the freedom crushing, dynamite lobbing Powder Gangers. Saving Primm, and then helping out at the Mojave Outpost in order to gain trust from the prominent faction of the Mojave Wasteland (the New California Republic or NCR), the Courier soon found himself in Novac. Helping an ex-NCR sniper by the name of Boone avenge the capture and death of his wife, he headed onto Boulder City, after hacking a reading a terminal, to intercept the Great Khans who had helped Benny steal the Platinum Chip. Seeing their freedom taken away from the NCR, the Courier reached a peaceful conclusion in Boulder City (the Khans released the hostages and were allowed to leave alive). Making his way to Freeside, he helped secure the freedom of its citizens in exchange for a passport onto the Strip. Heading straight into the Tops Casino on the Strip, the Courier negotiated a deal in which Benny's unfortunate death would go unnoticed by the Chairmen. The Platinum Chip secured, he headed of to the Tops Casino to complete his job and, using his speech skills, managed to get a bonus. His job done, the Courier soon found himself ravelled in an upcoming war for Hover Dam and, by extension, the New Vegas Strip and even the entire Mojave Wasteland. As he began to help out with the NCR by assassinating a King's member who had been causing violence, gaining the Great Khan's support for them and numerous other difficult tasks, a trip to the Brotherhood of Steel's hidden underground bunker changed his view on the Republic, who cared for only their views and wished to impose their rules of taxes and laws onto the Wasteland. Helping to rebuild the Brotherhood of Steel by finding a new Head Paladin in exchange for some power armour, and then gaining the support of the Boomers for the upcoming battle, the Courier began to solve issue within his soon to empire. Foiling an Omerta plot to cease control of the Strip, and curing the White Luxe Society's cannibalism problem, the Courier did a great deal to improve the living conditions of the residents of the Strip and the Mojave Wasteland. Saving the King's robotic dog, Rex, and helping out in a super mutant lodge high in the snow-capped mountains, the Courier went on to deliver vital research data on plant life from Vault 22 to the NCR. After all, even if he didn't like them, it was worth helping them should it benefit his pocket and possibly future generations. Geared up using his wages from the delivery of the Platinum Chip from the now assassinated Mr. House, the Courier headed into Fortification Hill and wiped out Caesar and his legates then and there. The camp in tatters, the Courier installed the Platinum Chip and awoke the two hundred strong Securitron army. Completing some work for the Van Graffs, and later killing them all. The Courier went onto save the NCR President from assassination from the remaining Legion members. Helping out a local artist on the Strip, finding new acts for the Tops and getting some prosttutes out of the Gommorah, the Courier finally went onto secure a independent New Vegas at the battle of Hover Dam.