Hi guys, been playing Fallout New Vegas for not very long now (started about 1 day after it was on the steam sale), anyway, I have came across a very annoying bug which I can't seem to fix. It started when I was in Primm, I then fast traveled over to the NCR camp (the one in dire need of supplies), however, when i got there my head was stuck in my ED-E and my HUD was not displayed. My character could not move except rotate and crouch, that's it. I have tried fast traveling somewhere else but it just stays the same, I have tried loading last save but when I fast traveled from Primm it must have saved when I got to the camp because that's where I end up (using both auto save load and manual save load). I have exited the game several times, nothing. So is this a common bug which can be fixed? If anyone can help it'll be much appreciated, I really want to carry this game on, but can't do a think.
Screenshot below to show you the problem....