Earlier today I had an idea in the bath, clearly the birthplace of all great ideas. I was pondering the removal of the class system and how I felt this would effect the roleplay elements I enforce on my character. Choosing that class is a set path to the formation of your PC and was a huge step in forming his or hers personality, role and choices with in the game world. It was my raison d'etre and it had been taken away from me in an instant.
But! As I am a reasonable and calm man I did not rage and cause furious tidal waves within my bathtub. I did not crush the little bubble islands that lay about me like some crazed god seeking retribution. No. Instead I set about thinking what else I could do to shape my character and one way I decided was all in the name, and thus I looked to Fable.
Now I know many of you are not fond of Fable. I find it enjoyable but I can't for the life of me roleplay in it. But there is one aspect that would lend well to the removal of classes in Skyrim, that my friends is Fables "Hero Titles". Put simply, because I don't half rabbit on. In Fable you could purchase from a Vendor a Title, a sort of deed for your name. At the start of the game you often get mocked and called Chicken Chaser yet after visiting a Title Vendor you could choose from a list of names for example; Maleficus, Assassin, Liberator, Druid, Ranger and more. From then on in when you approached an NPC they would call you by your chosen title. This was great as NPC's could refer to you personally and it represented your ethos. Now some of those titles are too simple for my liking but it is easy enough to adapt them.
Say for instance my character is a High Elf practiced in the arcane. I have dodgy eyebrows and facial hair to boot. I decide I would rather play an evil character so I name him Ming the Merciless. But I hit a stumbling block, there is a character limit, haven't you learnt anything Bethesda you fools! So for now he is just Ming.
Great I in no way feel merciless being called plain old Ming. However during the tutorial what skills I use are once again noted and I am asked if I am an Assassin! Why no of course not! But by any chance are you related to a fellow named Baurus? So I instead I select a different title from a list. I choose Mage and now next to my name in the stats screen is my chosen title. Ming the Mage. I like my title so I keep it and continue adventuring meeting many characters who greet me in conversation by my title of Mage.
But disaster strikes, during a quest I'm betrayed by a friend and after a long battle I choose to spare his life and thus I am granted the new title of Ming the Merciful! I can choose to keep this title or instead I can abondon it and carry on playing how I want unlocking more titles through actions and training which I can use to further my role playing experience.
I hope a system like this has made it in, or if not If it can be modded but that would lose some of the appeal, having an NPC actually call me a title instead of generic Dragonborn all the time would be great because I may not want to be the Dragonborn as I have abondoned the main quest and let the world rot. So thank you very much for reading and what do you guys think?
-Edit- I accidentally hit enter when typing the title and had to some quick Ninja work. Also I added a poll as it tends to attract more views and gets a better picture on your views.