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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:20 am

Nice post -Decrepit- .

...They saw a grand total of three mounted legionnaires traveling as a group very early on, then zilch, zip, nada. ...


The other day, Baa saw three of the Imperial horseman together for the first time. They were on the road just by Wellspring Cave going every which way. It was two patrols that ran into each other and it took them the longest time to get it sorted out and go on their way.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:01 pm

If you fast travel to any town, your horse will appear at the stable, provided it is still alive of course. All my early level characters run away from will o wisps. As fast as they can. In fact, now that I think about it, most characters run away regardless of the level, that is until I can one-shot it, with either a weapon or magic. Unless the character is an Atronach, then they bask in will o wisp goodness and glory. :twirl:

I know, but can't fast travel to find the first daedric artifact, and i myself not a fan of fast travel, i love to ride horse or just running myself. I think i run faster than horse if using light armor or robe.

Silver weapon can kill will o wisp, but she don't have it, and she is not build for magic. because of she is using heavy armor, she is so slow in running. And so her adventure ends the "hand" of the emperor is wrong, she is not the chosen one...
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:00 pm

they must carry an object belonging to the individual, usually a bone or other body part. Since that object remains in the possession of the Necromancer, the summoned undead will always appear missing that part. That's why zombies often arise missing a head, or an arm; the necromancer has that item.

I think that's some pretty brilliant roleplaying, glargg. Bravo! :bowdown:
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:20 pm

Eleanor has been doing tasks for the Mage's Guild - she's held a spot in the Arcane University for quite some time, but didn't mange to advance beyond the rank of apprentice before the end of the Oblivion Crisis and her escape to the Realm of Madness. But now she's advancing quickly, as her skills in magic continue to advance. She's just completed her first task for the Arch Mage, and was thus promoted to Warlock. She and Fergus then rode west, clearing a fort and camping for the night.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:22 am

Solitudian - I see Eleanor is the same rank as Lothran now :foodndrink:
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:55 pm

Solitudian - I see Eleanor is the same rank as Lothran now :foodndrink:

She's becoming a very famous character, which isn't what I'd intended for her at all! She was just going to be a powerful but fragile Mage, not Champion of Cyrodiil, Madgod of the Isles and Warlock of the Mages Guild!
Does Lothran visit the university much?
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:58 am

Does Lothran visit the university much?
Frequently while staying in Imperial City. He makes spells and enchantments, buys ingredients, attends lectures and just keeps an eye on the place. He′s quite famous in those circles too, and I didn′t intend that either ;)
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Avril Louise
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:39 am

Izze gro-Tesch! That does sound like a name I'd create. I imagine one could have a lot of fun with orc names. I'll never, ever play an orc, though.

Today Jessika has been writing the latest entry of her journal with me helping her. She has alot to write about seeing as she is starting from the beginning of her adventure, but she is loving every minute of it! But the day before she decided to take a stroll in Cheydinhal with her good friend Shelley. It started with a routine visit to the chapel, and ended with lunch at the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn. It was lovely :smile:

Yah! So glad you could join us here, Andrea. Have some :icecream:

The other day, Baa saw three of the Imperial horseman together for the first time. They were on the road just by Wellspring Cave going every which way. It was two patrols that ran into each other and it took them the longest time to get it sorted out and go on their way.

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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:04 am

A Day in the Life of Decrepit

Part 1: Good Morning Sunshine

My decrepit avatar woke in Weye Manor at his accustomed hour, breakfasted on his third-floor private balcony, changed into interim travel attire, a mixture of Imperial Dragon, fur and leather that suffices until reporting for Patrol assignment, which requires full Imperial Dragon (or other Legion sanctioned armors). He descended to the second floor, looked in on a still-abed Vilja (who given the chance sleeps later than he), continued on to the first floor and exited the Manor.

He should have been prepared. Just the preceding evening he had thought to himself, “Be on your toes old man. Unless I'm off my mark we're due another assassination attempt any day now. Not that I suspect it to succeed. But forewarned is forearmed.” That was yesterday. By morning he had totally forgot about contracted killers, amongst much else as we shall see.

He emerged from the Manor to be greeted by an assassin in glass and leather, weapon at the ready. Cursing himself for a lackwit, he reached for his blade...which wasn't there, being strapped to his travel kit. He's fumbling with straps. It looked bad.

Not so bad as it might have been. These contract killers seem an inept lot. At best they are poor strategists. (As many assassination attempts as he's thwarted I imagine they must be scraping the bottom of the barrel for recruits by now.) The villain should have realized that the manor is well staffed, including a contingent of guards, one of which mans the entrance at all times.

While my avatar fumbled, the Manor guard pounced. This confused the assassin, giving my avatar time to recoup. By then a passing Legionnaire had joined the fray, as did a nearby villager. The killer was over-matched and knew it. He took off running, smack into another angry villager. Now came the coup de grace. The desperado thought to avoid or at least delay the inevitable by ducking into the Wawnet. This proved a fatal miscalculation.

Unbeknownst to my avatar, the assassin or myself, a squad of patrolling Legionnaires was at that very moment on break at the Wawnet. I don't know what went through the killer's mind when he saw them lounging there, but I do know how the Legion reacted. My avatar and a Manor guard entered the Wawnet to find the assassin locked in combat with two soldiers. Two became four as my avatar and the guard joined in. The killer, now backed into a corner, quickly succumbed. All's well that ends well...unless you're an assassin I suppose.

My avatar thanked all those involved, ensured that no innocents had been harmed, and proceeded to the Imperial City, there to gather assignments to see them through the day.

(While I tried to narrate this in a somewhat dramatic style, events are presented as they actually occurred. Nothing is fabricated. (I lack the imagination to create "fan-fiction" in any case.) This is one of those all-too-infrequent instances where a combination of mods played well together to create an entertaining, believable encounter. The mods in question, so far as I recall them, are:
  • Contract-Killer: Bartholm.
  • Manor, part of Weye Village, Guards, Villager(s): AFK_Weye.
  • Part of Weye Village, Villager(s): Region Revive – Lake Rumare.
  • On-break Legionnaires: VOILA (Voices of the Imperial Legion Amalgamated).
  • Lone road-patrolling Legionnaire: possibly vanilla, but it could be any of several mods that add roving Legionnaires.)


---to be continued, maybe---

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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:55 am

ha ha ha ha...that's awesome! :clap: It's as if your entire writing style has totallly changed, D. I also like the list of characters at the end of the post. I'm gonna steal that idea in the future, if ya don't mind!

Hey, you never answered my question. Earlier, you said your Decrepit avatar has a name, but you neve said what it is.
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patricia kris
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:11 pm

Continuing his quest Ignoring the Boundaries, Lothran went into Elsweyr tonight. Unlike Decrepit′s Elsweyr though, Lothran′s was quiet and with no sign of any settlements which needless to say was quite boring :yawn:

After that quest update he decided to go to the little mysterious island in the Niben Bay. I thought that was it, but Lothran wanted to see Passwall again, and so there we went. All residents were at the local inn and after a brief chat with them all (except that evil Dunmer woman, urgh!) we returned to Cyrodiil and Bravil. Upon coming home, rain was pouring down and Lothran now spends the rest of the day in his house, reading a few books and looking through his collection from Shivering Isles.

Maybe, just maybe, that collection will be revealed too some day in the future. Just like his frost collection :dance:

Edit: Decrepit, I just read your post and I must say, what a delightful read it was!
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Sammi Jones
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:18 pm

Never a dull moment in the life of your Decrepit Avatar! I noticed the AFK_Weye mid the other day, and wondered if it was where Weye Manor came from.

Mirocu: I can imagine Lothran being swamped by screaming fangirls as he enters a city! Which factions has he joined? And he should have made his way up to New Sheoth - Haskill seems rather lonely these days

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Sam Parker
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:06 am

I can imagine Lothran being swamped by screaming fangirls as he enters a city!
Not so many girls when he appears actually. In that regard his life resembles mine I′m sorry to say :rofl:

he should have made his way up to New Sheoth - Haskill seems rather lonely these days
Long has it been since his elven feet stood on New Sheoth′s grounds and I doubt they ever will again. Haskill must, like the rest of Cyrodiil regarding Sweetrolls, suffer as best as he can without Lothran :sad:
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:09 am

Not so many girls when he appears actually. In that regard his life resembles mine I′m sorry to say :rofl:

Long has it been since his elven feet stood on New Sheoth′s grounds and I doubt they ever will again. Haskill must, like the rest of Cyrodiil regarding Sweetrolls, suffer as best as he can without Lothran :sad:

A certain British boy band is here in Australia at the moment. I assume the screaming girls mistook one of them for me :rofl:

Has Lothran done any of the SI main quest? And poor Haskill. And poor New Sheoth! Still, Lothran sounds like a very busy elf!
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:35 pm

Has Lothran done any of the SI main quest? And poor Haskill. And poor New Sheoth! Still, Lothran sounds like a very busy elf!
No, he hasn′t helped Sheo but he has explored his land quite extensively and even brought home trophies. He′s not busy if he doesn′t want to be, but he carefully chooses who he helps and what he does with his time :)
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:29 am

4:46 pm, Frost Fall 13, 3rd Era Year 433


Eager, Enthusiastic, and always looking forward to adventure, Lady Saga and her reluctant companion Erthor are currently in Fort Istius, but to Saga, it's just yet another fort at first. She has no idea what its name is until she comes upon some records of the place on a Roll of Paper.

"I hope we'll get to Skingrad soon. I've had enough of the wilderness for now".

"Oh come off it, Erthor. Don't you want to be like one of our glorious ancestors? You have been here in Cyrodiil way too long. You may as well be an Imperial. You have nothing of Valenwood in you!"

As a native of Valenwood herself, Saga's wood elf in her had not been ruined by the lazy ways of Cyrodiil, and she was determined to keep it that way. She still had the trees, the rain, the wind, and the sunlight in her spirit, unlike her companion.

Erthor probably spent the bulk of his life safely in Skingrad, before trying his first attempt at adventuring.

"Just because you failed at it once doesn't mean you can't be an adventurer. Like me!" Saga says with a confident smile.

"I can't wait to be back in Skingrad. Safe and sound!"

Lady Saga performs a gesture that we on Earth know as the 'facepalm". :facepalm:

"But don't you like finding new things? LIke here..." she says slowly, raising her fists "...these! I've just located these gauntlets in this unlocked wooden chest! Can't you feel it? Can't you feel the magic within them? As soon as I put them on, I could feel it. I am stronger now!"

She starts gesturing more dramatically now, her small frame dancing about, jumping from one location in the room to the other. In Valenwood, Lady Saga was, in fact, a dancer, as well as a budding adventurer.

She's just found some Gauntlets of Vigor, which fortify Strength by 6 points!j :dance: If there's any proof needed that the vanilla game actually contains significant treasures at lower levels, Lady Saga's game is it! She's only Level 3.

"Now if only I had some arrows! I've only got one arrow left in my quiver, and there are still Necromancers about. I can see them through the walls, Erthor. What these gauntlets will do is to maximize my efforts, so that my arrows will hit them much stronger now! But alas, just one arrow. I'm afraid you're going to have to do some combat soon, Erthor."

"I"ll be right behind you.."

"That's the spirit! Now let's go!"

She raises her shiney Gau
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:49 am

Thank to all for the favorable comments on my avatar and recent postings. I'm a bit surprised (and flattered) by the interest shown him, seeing my slow-paced play style as appealing only to those who find watching paint dry over-stimulating.

I typed over half a page of "A Day in the Life of Decrepit, part 2". It was embarrassingly bad. I trashed it all and will start afresh if and when inspiration hits me.

Hey, you never answered my question. Earlier, you said your Decrepit avatar has a name, but you never said what it is.

Both 'given' and 'surname' are mundane in the extreme, and totally forgettable. Mundane for a Nordic resident of Tamriel in any case. In fact his given name is quite similar to a Nordic resident of Bruma. Sheer coincidence, that.

His surname --- or family name --- is Hamkin. As with many olden names, it derives from the chief profession of his direct ancestors, in this case being pig farmers. His da, mind you, was a younger son from a second marriage and did not share in the family fortunes, such as they were.

As to his given name, it's Hamfat. Not a name he would have chosen for himself, but as is so often the case at birth his opinion wasn't asked. It was a nod to clan unity, back when his father still hoped ... in vane as it turned out ... to receive a share of the family's meager inheritance. My decrepit avatar's younger and only brother, an outgoing robust lad who would eventually displace him as the apple of his father's eye, is Hamfist. So there you have it, the brothers Hamfat and Hamfist Hamkin. The mind boggles.

As far as we are concerned, he's decrepit. Case closed.

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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:19 pm

Nice updates all :)
I don't think I'll start calling your avatar Hamfat Hamkin ... He is and always will be 'Decrepit'.

Eleanor and Fergus stayed in Aleswell for the night. Eleanor discovered it shortly after her return from the Shivering Isles, and fell in love in the place because it reminded her of the Isles. A very MAD place to be, full of invisible people and animals. Of course, they're all visible again, but that doesn't mean it's any less mad. You see, the innkeeper (who Eleanor is good friends with) became stuck under the staircase. She couldn't find him at all, until she put on her amulet with a life detection enchantment, and she saw him, under the staircase, with no way to escape. This brought a smile to the Madgod's lips!

They continued on to Bruma early the next morning, and arrived at about midday. They sold Suurotan some treasure they'd collected, checked in on the Mage's Guild hall, visited the Chapel of Talos and payed a visit to the Countess, who gave Eleanor the task of finding some artifact or another. She'll do it eventually - she has the greatest respect for the Countess - but not yet. The pair also admired the statue of Eleanor, which shows her wielding her staff and dressed in her Kvatch Uniform.

They then rode to Cloud Ruler Temple, which felt very empty without Martin, Baurus and Jauffre. There are rumblings in the Temple - the Blades need a new Grandmaster. Eleanor has thrown her support behind Captain Steffan, who she fought beside in the Battle of the Imperial City, although she doubts that a new Grandmaster will be chosen any time soon. The Blades take a long time to make any sort of decision ...

Fergus is relaxing in the Great Hall, and Eleanor is chatting with fellow Blades in the courtyard. The two will likely ride back to Bruma before nightfall.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:24 pm

Thank to all for the favorable comments on my avatar and recent postings. I'm a bit surprised (and flattered) by the interest shown him, seeing my slow-paced play style as appealing only to those who find watching paint dry over-stimulating.

I typed over half a page of "A Day in the Life of Decrepit, part 2". It was embarrassingly bad. I trashed it all and will start afresh if and when inspiration hits me.

Both 'given' and 'surname' are mundane in the extreme, and totally forgettable. Mundane for a Nordic resident of Tamriel in any case. In fact his given name is quite similar to a Nordic resident of Bruma. Sheer coincidence, that.

His surname --- or family name --- is Hamkin. As with many olden names, it derives from the chief profession of his direct ancestors, in this case being pig farmers. His da, mind you, was a younger son from a second marriage and did not share in the family fortunes, such as they were.

As to his given name, it's Hamfat. Not a name he would have chosen for himself, but as is so often the case at birth his opinion wasn't asked. It was a nod to clan unity, back when his father still hoped ... in vane as it turned out ... to receive a share of the family's meager inheritance. My decrepit avatar's younger and only brother, an outgoing robust lad who would eventually displace him as the apple of his father's eye, is Hamfist. So there you have it, the brothers Hamfat and Hamfist Hamkin. The mind boggles.

As far as we are concerned, he's decrepit. Case closed.

All this time and thats his name! Holy crap i always assumed it was decrepit, also hamfat hamkin is an awesome name
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Jason White
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:40 am

Thank to all for the favorable comments on my avatar and recent postings. I'm a bit surprised (and flattered) by the interest shown him, seeing my slow-paced play style as appealing only to those who find watching paint dry over-stimulating.

I have a "slow-paced" playstyle, too, though. I think a lot of us here do.

Hamfat Hamlin
:lol: Sorry, that made me chuckle!

The character I'm gaming with tonight, Lady Saga, has an elf name, too. "Lady Saga" is what she's calling herself in Cyrodiil. I don't know what her real wood elf name is yet. I'm going to go on one of those name-generator sites for that.

7:45 pm, Frost Fall 15

Lady Saga is currently in Anvil. She and Erthor found a place called Shetcombe Farm, and Saga left Erthor there to watch over the place. IT's pretty cool, though...Saga's second home! She also has one of Lord Drad's slave houses, too.

That's going to be how she strategizes, I think. She'll find a home to live in, and use it as a base of operations. From that home, she'll do a lot of exploring and back-tracking to find places she's not found yet.
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:40 pm

I think "Hamfat Hamkin" is a fine name. I like that "Hissee Fitz" isn't the only person in Cyrodiil who is saddled with a name they wouldn't have chosen for themselves. :)

Speaking of Fitzie, she has successfully acquired her mages staff, and is a guild Apprentice with University Privileges. In the process of getting the staff, she was forced to once again consider the implications of her own necromantic background, and has to deal with the fact that there are indeed Necromancers in the Empire who are both evil and dangerous. She was forced to defend herself, to the death, from several.

Her staff will likely be only moderately useful to her. It's a staff of Paralysis, which would probably be very powerful in the right hands, but in her case, with her nearsightedness, she will not be able to use it beyond touch range anyway. Still, it will perhaps be helpful in an emergency.

She has also been recruited by an organization of Vampire Hunters, to investigate a murder that recently happened in the Temple District. There's something oddly "wrong" about the situation, but she can't quite put her finger on it...
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michael danso
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:27 am

She has also been recruited by an organization of Vampire Hunters, to investigate a murder that recently happened in the Temple District. There's something oddly "wrong" about the situation, but she can't quite put her finger on it...

Heh heh heh :shifty:

2:34 pm Frost Fall 17

"From where do you hail?"

Lady Saga is still in Anvil. She's currently in the Mage's guild. Waiting around the clock for an Enchanter to show up. She still has her most deadly weapon: an electric mace called Rockshatter, It's deadly, but it needs recharging every so often.

But where is the enchanter?

Apparently, it's the NPC named Marc Gulitte. It's just that the first time Saga ran into him, he was on his lunch break. :banghead:

"Always keep your magical equipment charged"

"I aim to", Saga says.

She's liking Anvil more and more. As she sold her wares and explored the dock scene there, she realized there's a pretty nice Bosmer element in this town She's met Caenlorn and is brother Maenlorn, but the guy she really has a crush on is a wood elf she me at the Fo'c's'le! She didn't want to admit it to herself, but later on she rememberes traces of his face, and realizes she's curious about him. He had black hair and tanned skin but she can't remember his name. It was not Caenlorn or his simple brother, though.

"Talk is free, what do you want" asks the Redguard standing outside the stables.

"Seems you've got some mighty whites here" Saga says, refering to the horses in the stables.

"If you're looking to buy a horse, go inside and talk to Cleesa" he says, sizing up a potential customer.

With just over 4000 gp in the bank, Saga could finally afford a white horse of her own. :) With two homes, she has no further need to save money to buy one of the homes in Anvil.


She leaves Anvil finally, after getting

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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:08 pm

She leaves Anvil finally, after getting
After getting what? What? After getting what?
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:16 am

heh heh...well I'll tell you, Wyrd, but you gotta promise to post an update on your new character! The Imperial one.

just kidding. She bought the white horse. She has like 92 gold left or something like that.

OH..Saga just returned to Lord Drad's Slave Home #2, to find Prir Marabel's horse walking slowly away. It's Day 55 in her game so that means she's kept him alive for 55 days. Good work, Saga!
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trisha punch
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:20 pm

Oh, okay. Phew. That was quite a cliffhanger there.

I promise to write an update for my character. I don't usually do that stuff because my characters aren't as interesting as yours. Or mirocu's or Decrepits's or Acadian's or SubRosa's...or, actually, everybody's characters are more interesting than mine. But I will.
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