3:22 pm, Frost Fall 23http://i936.photobucket.com/albums/ad208/xenaclone/LadySagaposeswithRockshatter.jpg is loving Shetcombe Farm. She just returned here after plundering Fort Linchal for the second time. She also took down another fort, Fort Hastrel. She's been here before, too. Even though her goal is to discover as many new locations as possible, locations my other characters never could find, she can't resist a good dungeon raid, especially if NPC's are involved.
Erthor is still at Shetcombe, Saga is happy to see. He seems to enjoy country life more than he enjoys adventuring, but as Saga asks him what his opinion is, she already knows what his answer will be.
"I hope we get back to Skingrad soon! I've had enough of the wilderness, for now!"
"You can bloody well go there yourself, then, dear. You could literally walk there from here. Go on then! Go! Nobody's stopping you!"

Saga ignores him, and then sleeps for many hours. Erthor does not join her in bed. Not that Saga would mind this. She's not interested in him in that way; instead, she sees him as an annoying Bosmer brother.
It's a beatiful sunny day outside. Saga stares up at Kvatch for a moment, and then notices Shetcombe has a garden,, and harvests a bounty of things! Pumkins, corn, potatoes, carrots, and leeks. She eats some of it, and then uses the rest to decorate the outside and inside of Shetcombe Farm.

But before she does so, she looks up to Kvatch. She knows what's happened there, and has no interest in visiting what remains of the town. A middle-aged Breton known as The Grey Wizard, as well as a crafty high elf mage by the name of Igodah Go^Pe had gone up and freed the survivors. That was all Saga needed to know.
Though Saga tells Erthor she's going to be going to Anvil to sell her wares, what she's really doing is going to Skingrad to sell them. But she can't help it. She needs some Rest n Relaxation, and decides she'll stay at Shetcombe just one more day.
7:56 am, Frost Fall 25"To arms! To arms!!" a cat-man yells as Saga nears his camp.
She's not far from Skingrad, and has been travelling on the road. As it so happens, she's been controlling a wolf for the past minute, so it's convenient to let the wolf deal with the bandit.
She runs away from the camp to a nearby rock and jumps upon it, while the khajiit bandit follows. Damn! She was hoping he wouldn't follow. But no matter. She's too high for him! Now, she equips her
Bow of Sparks"HAH!!"......"OHHH"!!!........ARRRGH!!" It takes 6 arrows in total to kill the bandit. That seems more than usual. Hmm.
. She walks to Skingrad now, picking flaxseed as she goes (this is one of her hotkeys).
When she finally gets to Skingrad, she decides to stay here a couple days. Get to know the town. The next day, she sells her wares, gets her stuff repaired, and tries to her Bow of Sparks and Rockshatter re-enchanted.
"How are you?" asks the Mage's Guild lizard-man in residence.
"Where's Erthor? I haven't seen him around lately." says the Breton head of the guild.
"Take care". says the lizard, apparently not wanting to get involved in a controversial subject. ME:

But bad news. Saga hasn't got enough gold to afford to get her weapons enchanted. She's so used to having a bottomless sack of gold in Cyrodiil's banks, she completely forgot about the horse she recently bought. After doing so, she hasn't got much left at the moment. .