Darian is in a field southeast of Chorrol celebrating sweet victory.
Nicely done! Always nice to have an extra pair of hands to help out those useless sons. In Rayn's game they had no idea what "fall back" meant! Luckily she's a healer, eh?
Oh no, so soon? Welcome to the Oblivion section, by the way. I haven't seen you around here before.

Today was a tough day for archers. http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h361/grits29/Bryvyn.png fell in Dunroot Burrow, torn apart by Elytras while suffering from Felldew Withdrawal. She just couldn’t keep up with their weird drain spells.
I'm mostly going to miss her gear. She had an excellent bow collection.
Another character lost in Dunroot Burrow! A dead-is-dead character I once had, R'isa, suffered the same fate. The Elytras drowned her, a doubly terrible fate considering she was a khajiit, and therefore wasn't a fan of water.
Anyway, onto my Skarsgard tarvern crawl update, and he's been to Leyawiin. It was a pretty little town, he said, but he was restless and bored there. He left Border Watch http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l528/Lady-Mara-2/Skarsgards%20Quest/LeavingBorderWatch3.jpg and had lunch in Leyawiin, at the http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l528/Lady-Mara-2/Skarsgards%20Quest/FiveClawsLodge2.jpg He reserved a room there for later and headed to the other tavern in Leyawiin, the http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l528/Lady-Mara-2/Skarsgards%20Quest/ThreeSistersInn3.jpg He got excited upon seeing the name of the tavern, then experienced crushing disappointment when he found out the sisters were khajiit. Bored, Skarsgard hung out at the Skingrad Fighter's Guild most of the afternoon, and went back to the Three Sisters later that evening. http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l528/Lady-Mara-2/Skarsgards%20Quest/ThreeSistersInn4.jpg with an eccentric man in the ranks of the Leyawiin watch, then went to bed over at the Five Claws. 3/5 for both taverns.
He was eager to leave the next morning, and he threw on an old travelling robe to brave the rain and get to the http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l528/Lady-Mara-2/Skarsgards%20Quest/DrunkenDragonInn.jpg, in the wilderness of the Blackwood region. Here's where it gets really interesting! The Drunken Dragon Inn gets a big, fat ZERO OUT OF FIVE, for the worst service Skarsgard has ever had the misfourtune to receive. He ordered a mead to ward off the chill, and no sooner had he cracked open the bottle, the proprietor said to him, "next time go somewhere else, like the Inn of Ill Omen. I don't want any riff raff in here". Riff raff! Skarsgard went absolutely NUTS. He told the proprietor in no uncertain terms exactly where he could stick his mead, and threw it back at the man. He then took out his war axe and smashed every single plate, piece of food and booze in the place, all under the gaze of an Imperial Watchman, who did nothing. Then he stormed out of the place, got on his horse and rode furiously north, out of Blackwood, in a terrible mood. He's sick of the rain, sick of rude people, and sick of not getting any. All he wants to do is get blindingly drunk, at whichever tavern he stumbles upon next.