So the four of them plus two fought off a goblin attack at a local farm. The old man’s sons didn’t even get their blades bloody.
If only Silvonwe's most recent "baby sitting job" had gone so smoothly. She managed to keep Farwil and his sidekick alive, in their little Deadlands Adventure, despite their repeated efforts to get themselves killed, but it wasn't easy. In the end, she had to prevail upon Azura (at least, that's who she believes her "spirit companion" to be) to "bless" the two fools with added health. It was that, or face Farwil's Daddy with terrible news, and kiss the Staff of Indarys goodbye.
(We justify the cheat on the basis that she's not going to use the staff. Silvonwe, being the Archmage, has a hobby of collecting staffs. She has quite a few of them, and may one day build a proper display rack for them...if she survives long enough...)
Congrats to Wild Elf! Don't eat the mages now.
Well, you were warned that she was a bit wild... There are certain...habits...spoken of about the deep woodland elves, which we are not sure whether to believe or not...

She found herself staring into the Niben, at a curious island. She dumped many of her posessions, shed her clothes and dived into the water towards the island. Despite the warnings of a madman and a Leyawiin guard, her curiousity took the better of her. Eleanor has entered the Shivering Isles.
I found myself smiling sadly as I read this. This is the very same reaction my Fortja had, and it's a very good way to transition to the SI quest line.
Very good!