What do you mean, "downloading"? He bought it from Jensine

Heh, but ok it was Simple Portable Tent

Oh, sorry! That's the tent Eleanor and Fergus use. Not very often, but when they leave a dungeon and find its nighttime, or just want to get out of the city for a while, they'll use their simple portable tent.

Jensine must be grinning from ear to ear. My decrepit avatar recently bought one of those tents too. Like Eleanor, he doubts it will see much use. He very seldom strays far from the road these days. Those few times they do venture into the wilds they almost always manage to find a campsite with several tents. Still, it's good to know they have an alternative handy should the need arise.
As to my avatar's recent activities, he just returned to Weye after having completed a patrol of the Blue to Cheydinhal.
Something unsettling occurred in a cave in the mountains not terribly far from Cheydinal, where they had gone upon patrol completion on the slim chance of finding a Chalice. They found no Chalice but instead an unpleasant encounter from my avatar's past. Cultists. Cultists in red robes and hoods. Yes,
those Cultists. My avatar was flabbergasted to say the least. Maybe he should have expected it, the cave being what it was. How they escaped detection until now is anyone's guess.
It gets worse.
Upon spotting the first red-clad figure in the gloom my avatar and Vilja crouched, drew weapons and proceeded to stealthily approach the foe. They were soon positioned behind him. As is his practice with "humanoids", my avatar stood and declared his presence in hope that the villain would choose to surrender or at least offer a clean and honorable fight. Only, this Cultist was not in a fighting mood. Indeed he proved a right friendly chap. This confused my avatar to no end. Where was the fanaticism such folk displayed in times past? Where the burning desire to administer death and destruction on a grand scale?
You must understand that while my avatar deals out death to miscreants of the Empire on an almost daily basis, he is at heart a man of peace, physically harming none who themselves forswear violence. The Cultist offered no resistance. My avatar therefore felt constrained to stay his sword.
Was the Cultist's change of heart sham or reality? On the surface it seemed heartfelt. Even Vilja, so often rash in the heat of battle, saw no wrong in the man. By now my avatar was becoming rather uncomfortable and decided to think on the matter as they explored more of the cave. As feared, the Cultist wasn't alone. Turns out a good many of his brethren were holed up in that cave. All seem sane, reasonable individuals.
My avatar can't decide what to do about it. His first thought was that if they have indeed reformed it is his duty to reintroduce them into society. But no, that won't cut it. While the Cultists might be ready to make peace with the world, it is highly doubtful that the world is ready to make peace with them.The Cultists likely sense this thus lock themselves away from society. Assuming, of course, that they haven't pulled the wool over my avatar's eyes and are even now plotting nefarious schemes to bring down the Empire.
While my avatar is willing to give them the benefit of the doubt ... for now ... he reluctantly accepts that it is probably best that they remain in their self-imposed prison.