huh. weird.
One thing that doesn't seem right about the 2 moons are their size. They're both huge! Nirn doesn't seem to be a very big planet, so wouldn't the moons create some really dramatic gravitational forces? I would think so. I dont' know much about how astronomy works like that, though.
Secunda is the smaller moon. From memory, Masser (the larger) orbits Nirn, but Secunda orbits Masser. But I don't know much about astronomy either, so I have no idea how the moons would affect Nirn.
Eleanor has been decorating.
She and Fergus have retrieved the Honorblade of Chorrol, returned it to the Castle and informed the Jemane brothers of their father's past. This, combined with clearing a few forts, a few encounters with minotaurs and a trip to the Imperial City, has worn the two of them out. They returned to their Chorrol abode at 2pm, and gladly shared a bottle of Bernice's Summer Wine.
At about 4pm Eleanor began decorating. In the past, she'd failed miserably. She'd take forever to place on small item, rejoice, and then knock it off with a second item. This time, however, she was armed with her new Telekenisis spell and a strategy for placing items, especially potions.
At midnight she was satisfied with the result, and didn't find herself frustrated once - a combination of quick saves and the aforementioned strategies made it pain-free. Arborwatch is now adorned with potions, alchemical equipment and ingredients, unique and treasured weapons/armor, welkynd stones, soul gems and an Ayleid statue. She, Fergus and their watchful overlord (yours truly!) are very happy with the result!

They now have about two days to rest and explore the Great Forest. On the 28th of Evening Star Eleanor is due back in the Imperial City. There she will tend to business at the Arcane University and update her spell book, and probably decorate her quarters there as well. On the 31st at 9pm she is to head to the Imperial Palace to begin preparations for the opening of the Fourth Era. At 11:59 pm, she will cast the spell, which will fill the whole Elder Council chamber, and the fourth era will officially have begun. As the Arch-Mage, she has the honor of weaving the magics of the New Era - an honor last held by Tiber Septim, four hundred and thirty three years ago.