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Anywho, back to Savlian. He wanted Eleanor to track down the only heir to Kvatch, and Eleanor (with Fergus at her side, of course) did. He was, however, being held captive by assassins, who proved a challenge in numbers and wore very valuable armor. After a long struggle to convince him to go to Kvatch, he began to make his way there. Eleanor and Fergus had completed their task - well, until their next note from Savlian, that is.
They then headed to Bruma, where Eleanor has decided to purchase a home. During the events of the Oblivion Crisis - which saw Eleanor fight back many a Daedra, stop a siege engine from flattening Bruma and spend many an hour in the nearby Cloud Ruler Temple - she became close to Cyrodiil's northernmost city. She even befriended the Countess and dined with her! And while there'll always be a bedroll for her in Cloud Ruler, and a bed in the Mage's Guild Hall, nothing is quite the same as spending a night at home. Next stop: Novaroma. She needs to furnish the house ...
The Countess of New Kvatch has gone missing! For over two months now citizens of New Kvatch have been wondering the whereabouts of their beloved Countess. Last seen in Bruma at the peace accords in perfect health makes the disappearance all the more disturbing. Rumors range everything from Colovian warlords assassinating her during a power struggle, The King of Worms eliminating her during his sacking of the Mages Guild, to the more bizarre; the newly formed Vigilants of Stendarr killing her in one of their many vampire hunts.
When trying to reach her longtime companion and love it was learned that she had returned to her homeland of Solstheim on a family visit only raising more questions. Why leave at this time? Does she know the whereabouts of our Dear Countess? Does she even know what happened?
We will ever know what happened?
Edit: The board really boogered the formatting on that.

Sorry for the ****-poor writing skills.
The Bruma house is very nice. You can always drop some torches in the fireplace to make a fire if you don't want to mod it.
Skarsgard has left Cheydinhal. He had a bit of fun on the road, the results of which Enjoy him, he's heading up to Bruma next which means no more shirtless pics for a while!

Newlands Lodge gets 4/5, since he had some great conversations there and there were lots of people to talk to. (Of course, the kiss he received from the proprietor had nothing to do with it. Honest.)
Cheydinhal Bridge Inn gets a slightly lower score, at 3/5. It was a bit boring, and there weren't many people.