Characters at your disposal

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:25 pm

As I understand it, many players have made several characters in Oblivion. I have only one, a dunmer named Lothran, and we have travelled through Cyrodiil and Shivering Isles for four years now with no end in sight.
In a RP sense, making new characters is no option for me. As I only have this life, so do I only have one in Cyrodiil. May seem boring to some, but the way I see it, after been having this one character for four years we have truly bonded and experienced so much together.
To me that′s worth a lot!

Btw this is my first poll :)

EDIT: To clearify, I meant how many characters you have made in total, not just the ones that are active. The headline may be misleading
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:15 am

Well over 20.
It is hard finding one that works for me, or has good RP ability.

But I do have faith in my next character, Whom I gotta get to actually being made.
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Lil Miss
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:26 am

Are you asking how many characters we have active right now? Or are you asking how many characters we've made since the game was first released?
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:05 pm

Are you asking how many characters we have active right now? Or are you asking how many characters we've made since the game was first released?

I mean your total number of characters since the game was released.
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:20 pm

I guess most of us have made ten or more characters. Its very impressive that you have only made one character in 4 years. I guess you have done all the quests, and seen pretty much everything with that character; so what do you do while playing him?
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RAww DInsaww
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:25 pm

As I understand it, many players have made several characters in Oblivion. I have only one, a dunmer named Lothran, and we have travelled through Cyrodiil and Shivering Isles for four years now with no end in sight.
In a RP sense, making new characters is no option for me. As I only have this life, so do I only have one in Cyrodiil. May seem boring to some, but the way I see it, after been having this one character for four years we have truly bonded and experienced so much together.
To me that′s worth a lot!

That's a respectable and interesting approach, but would be tough for me to play through guilds and MQ without some "compass" to justify action vs. reward. I feel satisfaction when taking a moral/ethical stance, and seeing how my own story play's out and how other characters react to my choices.

I tend to keep about 3 characters for an RPG (or CRPG);

1. The morally righteous.
2. The pragmatic.
3. The lecherous amoral piece of scrap.

Btw this is my first poll :)

Congrates! :foodndrink: Have a drink on me.

[edit] Voted. Three is my final answer.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:52 pm

I guess most of us have made ten or more characters. Its very impressive that you have only made one character in 4 years. I guess you have done all the quests, and seen pretty much everything with that character; so what do you do while playing him?

Well Selena, actually I have not finished all the quests, have not even begun on the MQ. It′s true I have seen almost every pixel of Cyrodiil, but the reason for not doing more quests is that I get so absorbed by the atmosphere and all the things you can do just because you want to, I have no time for them ;)
As it says on the box, Live Another Life In Another World. I do just that. I spend the winter in Bruma and the Jeralls, I visit my favourite towns and inns and talk to the people there, I make new spells and enchantments, I collect stuff etc.

It may seem boring to some not being more "active", but the way I see it my dunmer has been active, done so many things so now he deserves to just enjoy his life and the still breathtaking atmosphere :)
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Sweets Sweets
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:16 pm

That is awesome, how many hours do you have logged, and what is the in game year?
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:42 am

That is awesome, how many hours do you have logged, and what is the in game year?

I can get back with you on the year, but two days ago I clocked 1400 hrs
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:15 pm

your total number of characters since the game was released.

In that case I think you need more choices. I've probably made 80-100 since March, 2006. Heck, I typically play two or three characters at one time.

My bet is that nearly every one of us is going to answer "10 or more."
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Céline Rémy
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:11 pm

I guess about 15 over the last three+ years since I got the game. During the first year and a half, I would build a character and play them quite a while, then retire them and move on. Always one at a time though. I have never had more than one alive at a time. I really liked learning and doing all the quests and optimizing all the skills over the lives of the many characters.

Then about a year and a half ago, I met Buffy. Now, I'm somewhat like mirocu - only one character and I can envision no need to make another. We have traveled together for over 550 hours now. She has done only about 10% of the quests, but we never, ever get bored. Because I have seen all the quests before with one character or another, I could care less if she wrinkles her nose at many quests (as she does). If we ever felt we were running low on things to do, we would simply start her anew.
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:21 pm

I think you need way more choices then. In my case it's probably been well over 100 since March, 2006.

Heh ok, I guess you′ll have to choose ten or more then and specify like you did now :) Or I can make an adjustment I guess
100? Wow, any favourite amongst them?
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sara OMAR
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:21 am

Haven't played for while but I am on my fifth character.
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:51 pm

I can't remember all of their names, but here are as many of my characters as I can recall - my first was a Dunmer warrior, then a Breton mage/theif, than a Khajiit assassin, then a Dunmer Vampire, followed by an Altmer Knight and now I have just started a new Imperial thief. Somewhere in there I also made a female Nord, a female Wood Elf archer and an Argonian but I never liked any of them and they never got too far past the Tutorial dungeon.

This last character I made is going finally finish the Thieves Guild. And then Marcus or the Altmer will finish the Shivering Isles and I will have every achievement for Oblivion on XBOX 360. Normally, I don't care one way or the other about getting achievements, but I really want to get all of them for Oblivion and Fallout 3.

edit - my total is a little less than 10 apparently, I really thought I had made more characters than that.
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:23 am

In total I've made 5 different. First one was a poorly designed Bosmer that I deleted shortly after finding these forums and realizing how stupid I was. Rest are different versions of the same Breton haha. So 2/5 technically.
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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:01 pm

I'm guessing, including failed experiments, something close to 40. I have about 20 that I've played enough to at least get to know them a bit, and about a dozen that I've played and still play quite a bit, just switching from one to another as the mood strikes me.
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:45 pm

I had these NINE characters, some just for fun, some role-played well:


1) Haydée “Hand of Night”
Class: Shadow Assassin
Race: Breton Female
Birthsign: Lover
Specialization: Stealth – Agi, Int
Skills: Marksman , Sneak , Security , Acrob , Alch , Speech , Illusion

2) Beowulf “Sturmheld”
Class: Berserker
Race: Nord Male
Birthsign: Warrior
Specialization: Combat – Str, End
Skills: Blunt , Athletics , Block , Armorer , Light Armor (Fur) , H to H , Acrobatics

3) Sir Andrjans “Lichtheld”
Class: Paladin of Light
Race: Imperial Male
Birthsign: Lord
Specialization: Combat – Wil, End
Skills: Blade , Athletics , Block , Armorer , Heavy Armour , Restor , Speech

4) Hraven
Class: Sharpshooter
Race: Wood Elf Male
Birthsign: Thief
Specialization: Stealth – Agi, Spe
Skills: Marksman , Sneak , Athletics , Light Armour , Acrob , Alch , Alteration

5) Ito Ogami
Class: Ancient Blade Master
Race: Redguard Male
Birthsign: Warrior
Specialization: Combat – Str, Agi
Skills: Blade , Athletics , Acrob , Block , Armorer , Restore, Alch

6) Unsu
Class: Dark Monk
Race: Dark Elf Male
Birthsign: Shadow
Specialization: Combat – Wil, Agi
Skills: H to H , Athletics , Acrob , Illus, Destr, Alteration, Sneak


7) Obermeister Drachenfels
Class: Erzmagier
Race: High Elf Male
Birthsign: Apprentice
Specialization: Magic – Int, Wil
Skills: Myst , Conjur , Restor, Illus, Destr, Alteration , Speech


8) Mutter Griese
Class: Heilkünstlerin
Race: Breton Female
Birthsign: Ritual
Specialization: Magic – Wil, Pers
Skills: Myst, Illus, Restor, Alch, Alteration, Speech, Merc


9) Sumi “Animetrix”
Class: Tough Cookie
Race: Breton Female
Birthsign: Warrior
Specialization: Combat – Str, End
Skills: Blunt, Athletics, Acrobatics, Block, Armorer, Speech, Merc


EDIT: Opa, apparently i voted 10, when i had 9....
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Sarah Kim
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:24 am

I picked 7 in the poll but it's a guess. I had a couple quickies just to learn the controls and get a general feel for the game. I had to unlearn the controls from Morrowind. Then I played through the MQ with a character that I reloaded if they got killed just to see what it was about.

The last three I have played dead-is-dead and only one at a time. Over a four year period I played Severus Snape over 700 hours, Sarrah, over 500 and Angel is still going strong at close to 300 hours.
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gemma king
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:05 pm

Just one for me.

I've been playing Oblivion since roughly late March 2009 and am now several months into my second play-through. I am so pleased with my elderly Nord warrior that when it came time to start afresh I began from a very early first play-through save made in the starter-prison prior to the emperor's death. That let me keep class, race and facial customization intact.

Oddly, he was originally envisioned as a temporary "throw-away" character, something to learn game mechanics with before creating custom-class avatar. Even being a Nord was something of a fluke, having been a "dark-elf" in all previous Elder Scrolls entries.

Here's an image of him seen roaming near the end of my first play-through, and another captured early this play-through documenting his (You'll likely have seen the latter shot elsewhere.)

I'm quite content with this character. It is doubtful, though not impossible, that I'll opt for an alternative.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:36 am

Hmm im gonna try to recap my better characters from over the months.

Hiro-Imperial Adventurer, do it all character, 100 in all skills, Daedric enchanted with best self made enchants
Jack- Bosmer hunter gone bad, just to try out A Brotherhood renewed. Great mod.
Teskinah-My first real Roleplaying character, she died after saving kvatch, falling down a hill.
Okan-Kur-Argonian Noble, Died in an Aylied ruin
Nakuma-Forever lost in the wilderness
Ri'Renji-Psychopathic Khajiit mass murderer, and had a flair for interior design, with dismembered heads, and zombifyed corpse remains.
and Tetsu-Retired, settled down with his new Wife Mazoga

And my worst character, RoflLizard, the Argonian Hodgepodge, that just was awful. I think he died stealing a loaf of bread and resisting arrest.
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:20 am

Ive had 9 The 1st one i played over a hundred hrs 2-7 were crap 8 was mage 9 was a nighblade.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:47 pm

I have had 16 characters.

Clare - She was my first character, and I was basically just getting used to the game with her. Her name is from the Claymore anime, and in fact it was a Claymore mod that got me inspired to get Oblivion and start playing it. - A pure archer (as in no melee ever). She took on a life of her own, and now is the main character of the fan fic I write. - She was Nord warrior, the first person I ever did the main quest with. - A Dunmer battleconjurer, she was my first magician character. - She was an Argonian assassin. - She was a Altmer magician, my first pure mage. (she's on the left) - She is one of gpstr's characters, from a post prison sewer save he gave me. A Dunmer thief. I did the thieves guild questline with her. - The same character from the game. I made a mod that would let me start out with her appearance, I thought I might as well use her name as well. My first serious character to use a two handed weapon, and the first to do the entire FG questline. - She was a Mazken whom I did the main quest with. I created a mod to make her race playable with all their gear. Also my highest level, and longest-played character so far. - She was a former Mythic Dawn sleeper agent who the Oblivion Crisis passed by (I rp'ed it that it was over). A lot of fun, she was a good guy out to save the world from the tyrannical yoke of the Nine Divine usurpers. She was the only character I have done all the Daedric Quests with (except Hermaeus Mora), and then the entire Shivering Isles. As with Aerin, I made a mod that created leveled versions of the mythic dawn bound armor for her to learn, plus some other MD stuff. - An Orc noble who journeyed to Cyrodiil to escape the shadow of her older sister, who always seemed to be better than her at everything. She was the first character I ever did the entire Arena questline with. - An imperial assassin, she was the daughter of Claudius Arcadia, [censored] and left for dead by Rufio. Consumed by the need for revenge, she became an assassin, and found she liked it. The first character I ever did the entire DB questline with.

Aina - Aina is a Redguard and a devout follower of the Nine Divines. Unlike most Redguards, she is at home using magic. But she still prefers getting in close and chopping things up with her sword.

Sayuri - An altmer courtesan. Basically an illusion-based magician. I never could quite click with her, so I did not get far playing her. - A wood elf Witch. I used my partly done Witchcraft mod with her. Basically it lets you summon forest animals like wolves, lions, bears, etc... She was your basic woodland girl, always feeling uncomfortable and claustrophobic in a city. I got about a quarter of the way through the main quest with her. - A Colovian sword and board fighter. I was just starting the KOTN questline with her when Fallout 3 came out and I started playing that instead.
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:34 pm

Thirteenish characters since release. Maybe fourteen. All these characters were played about 9 months or so, longest being almost two years.
Three active characters:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:29 pm

I've made at least one for each Race and six. There's at least two or three duplicates in that regard. e.g. two Nord Female characters I've created. Most haven't been developed very far, but 4-5 are fairly well developed, and a couple are quite advanced i.e. completed a few major quest lines.

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Taylah Haines
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:51 am

Six that I can recall; warrior, mage, archer, nightblade, battlemage (which I broke), battlemage again. There may be one or two others that I can't remember, but certainly no more than that.
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