[WIP/REL] Chargeable Spells

Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:51 am

I gave this a try tonight, but the behaviour seemed odd.

The first time I tried it, it seem to charge more or less okay (saw a spell effect around myself at the beginning). It used way too much magic, though and a single charged spell took everything I had.

I then tried quickloading to experiment again, but after that every time I tried it I ended up casting pretty near instantly, and always used all my magic instantly as well.

I would recommend adding some debug text into the next version so that testers can provide a Conscribe log of what happened. I checked my log, but there was nothing in it from this mod.
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:59 pm

I gave this a try tonight, but the behaviour seemed odd.

The first time I tried it, it seem to charge more or less okay (saw a spell effect around myself at the beginning). It used way too much magic, though and a single charged spell took everything I had.

I then tried quickloading to experiment again, but after that every time I tried it I ended up casting pretty near instantly, and always used all my magic instantly as well.

I would recommend adding some debug text into the next version so that testers can provide a Conscribe log of what happened. I checked my log, but there was nothing in it from this mod.

That souns weird, indeed. Do you have OBSE installed? I think the version I used is 17b. You can enable a debug message, set grmCSQ.debug to 1, it prints on screen time charging, magicka spent, magnitude and multiplier. What's this about that Conscribe log? I knew the printToConsole some mods uses, but it seems to me that if I print there all the variables my scripts uses for every casting it will be unreadable.

Back to your issue, was you by chance at 0 fatigue or had negative fatigue, or did you cheat your character to boost your magicka with bonuses (not base value)? The script fails in some point if you are out of fatigue, but since v0.26 you shouldn't reach 0 fatigue due to this mod (you either loose the spell and get a message that says "I've get exhausted" or you auto-cast it automatically if your skill level is high enought). I don't get what you mean with "a singled charged spell took everything I had", I hope you know there's no single-charge or double-charge, but rather you choose how long you hold it. The minimun should be 4 sec at full magicka and with stunted magicka, or longer for higher stats. If the charge lasts shorter then there's indeed some problem. Let me know how it performs, oh and if you could tell me about that debug procedure that'd be much appreciated too.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:12 pm

Conscribe is an OBSE plugin that logs everything in the console during a play session in a nice text file. So you use "printc" to fire your messages to the console and it is all logged but invisible to the player.

It was a brand new character in the chargen dungeon, so all my skills were set at five. First time I charged it up I held it for about four seconds and fired and it wiped out all my characters magicka (which I think is to be expected...I'm not sure) which was 150 points. I can spam about 10 or 11 Flare spells for the same amount.

I'll experiment a bit more and try turning on the debug message as well.

Almost forgot, OBSE 18b5 installed.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:26 pm

Had another look. Behaviour seems to be more or less what I expected at first. Charge for a few seconds, see my magicka bar depleting, fire a spell, get the message showing what was fired.

I could do without the spell effect around myself, and I think I was getting the quest popup message sound after each casting....but I can't be sure that wasn't the chargen telling me about my low magicka (though it did seem to do it a lot).

Reloaded a game, though, and upon trying to charge I'd get a message saying I didn't have enough magicka, while simultaneously casting a fireball and still having the charging spell effect around me. My magicka would deplete after the initial fireball and then my charged spell would fizzle, I think.

I also think I had a problem with using magicka restoring potions. After taking one the spell would behave similar to reloading a game...it would fire a shot, but tell me I didn't have enough magicka, and the magicka drain would go from 150 to nearly nothing right away.

I think you should have it print all the variables to the console, then I can give you a complete log and maybe help track what's going on.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:38 pm

I almost forgot, I think in v0.26 I didn't checked the start game enabled flag, so maybe simply the quest script isn't running after loading, so you cast the spell directly as if it was a normal spell?? try startQuest grmCSQ to make sure the script is running. Anyway I'll add all the debug messages to the console for next version.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:15 am

I checked to see the quest was running, it was, at stage 2.

sqv grmCSQ->fquestdelaytime = 0.0100->castnow = 0->reset = 0->isControlDisabled = 1->isAttackDisabled = 0->charging = 0->unableToCast = 0->AltMode = 0->Debug = 1->wasRunning = 0->wasSneaking = 0->oneSecCheck = 0->autoCast = 0->notMastered = 0->ratio = 0.0000->timer = 0.0000->magickaSpent = 0.0000->substract = 0.0000->accum = 0.0000->accum2 = 0->maxDamAllow = 0->iniHealth = 0->timerMaxMult = 0.0000->perkLvl = 0.0000->skillFactor = 0.0000->timerFactor = 0.0000->kFactor = 0.0000->expFactor = 0.0000->statsCap = 0->fatigueLoss = 0.0000->fatigueLossMult = 0.0000->magnitude = 0->area = 0->duration = 0->range = 0->spell = (24000800)->oldSpell = (00000000)->spellisAble = 1->rangeMult = 1.5000->baseCost = 0.7500->skillC = 22->AttrC = 2->effectC = 1195657542->spellType = 101->stageFunction = -1--- Quest state -----------------------------Running?       YesCurrent stage: 2Priority:      50

The sound I heard was from my skill levelling up very quickly, I believe, not the quest popup as I originally thought.

Right now, loading a savegame results in my character throwing a series of fireballs, but still experiencing a constant magicka drain instead of four short bursts.

It's also crashed every time after about the fourth or fifth reloading, but that's not too surprising.
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Catherine Harte
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:13 pm

It's also crashed every time after about the fourth or fifth reloading, but that's not too surprising.

This also happens to me with or without my mod so I guess that's not the problem.

I'm working on a major update for this mod that might solve some problems posted here. It will also add the spells to purchase and not for free so it all won't be as "cheating" as it's now, for the lack of a better word. New version also adds a "dangerous magic" optional feature that allow you to cast every spell at novice level but at a random cost, and that might take some fatigue, health or even drain your attributes, depending on your skill and stats and depending on how long you charge the spell. In fact they are two independent features, one to choose all the spells to be able to cast at novice level and the other to add the "dangerous" stuff in form of penalties to fatigue, health and attributes, but I'd suggest to play them both together. Also now in next version visual effects will be (hopefuly) optional via an .INI parameter and they will correspond to the spell you're charging, so if you're charging a fireball you'll be surrounded by flames as long as you charge it.

I've also already included a console message for almost every action/check/run my mod performs so now it should be easier to detect possible in/compatibility issues, but most of times when it's up to spells being cast at normal speed regardless of the charge it's probably up to some mods that disables the cast key and enables it again on certain checks. To solve this problem choose another spell, then charge it up, the script should update these settings every time you select a new spell, and thus disable the cast key every time you select a chargeable spell and therefor alow you to charge it.

Also now I've added a check to consider fortify/drain magicka effects for the total magicka calcs wich should solve a few problems regarding the speed the magicka is drained, and I've added a lot of missing spells from original spells effects, like absorb/drain/fortify stats/attributes/skills and damage and restore attributes. Silence and paralyze spell has also been added.

I hope I could end it soon and I can release the last pre-final version in a week or so.
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cosmo valerga
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:26 pm

A new version of Chargeable Spells mod is available to download!

Get it http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27746.

Here's the changelog for this new version:

- Added: spells available to purchase, even from NPC from mods.
- Added: spells list auto-updater feature (you get the chargeable version of the spells you have).
- Added: a whole new penalties system with rewards.
- Added: so many missing chargeable spells (absorb/drain/damage/fortify attributes and stats).
- Added: a few default sounds.
- Added: an .ini file with a few customizable options.
- Changed: chargeable spells now can be cast at novice level (this feature may be disabled).
- Changed: lasting spells with magnitude last for double of time.
- Changed: visuals now correspond to the spell you're charging.
- Changed: casting failure sounds correspond to the element or school of the spell you're charging.
- Fixed: being staggered, knocked or silenced renders the PC unable to charge.
- Fixed: increased AoE for the alt. mode has now a cap and it's related to the percentage of magicka spent and not directly to the amount magicka as an absolute value.
- Fixed: fatigue loss now ranges in a smaller interval, being it now smaller than it was for novices, and bigger than it was for highly skilled mages.

Check the first post in this thread or the download page for a more detailed explanation about all new features.
I hope you enjoy this new update!


PS @ showler: I was absolutely wrong, sometimes the cast key was enabled again at cell loadings while the var that checks this was still as if it were disabled, so it didn't disable it again. Now this should be fixed, but if for some reason it is not entirely, to solve it simply select a non-chargeable spell while in-game and then select again a chargeable spell.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:25 pm

This is a fantastic idea for a mod--something I always wished for but never had the skill to implement. Kudos for that.

However, I had the same problem as documn: I chose the 'convert my spells' option on load but when I select chargeable spells in the menu they are converted to restore minor wounds when I exit and I can't cast them in game mode. I don't use Supreme Magicka, so it's not a conflict with that. (In fact, I didn't have any other spell overhaul mods activated when I tested it, though I did have Deadly Reflex 5 and a bunch of other realism mods.)

On another note, a couple of options I would love to see:

* A spell failure chance, like TalkieToaster's or Fizzle (optional setting)
I like the feeling that playing with magic is dangerous: I would love an option that allows me to set a base chance of failure that always exists regardless of my skill level (say, 1%), that way I'll never know for sure what's going to happen when I cast a spell. Someone with a skill of 5 should fail more often than not, making it difficult (or at least painful) for non-magic users to gain experience; someone with a 25 should succeed most of the time with spells that aren't heavily charged, but fail more often with spells that are heavily charged. As players gain skill, they can reduce the risk of casting heavily charged spells.
* Backfire damage based on the spell type, so, for example, if you fail casting a fire spell, you take fire damage (optional setting)
I think this would be more immersive than a straight health or attribute drain (unless you happen to be casting drain health or drain attribute spells, of course); maybe the target of the spell could be changed to the caster on the fly with a percentage of the spell magnitude based on the degree of failure.
* Chargeable spells with multiple spell effects (I think you mentioned this in the readme)
Also, an easy way to integrate custom spells. I am designing spells that have harmful side-effects for the caster, so something that allows multiple spell effects is essential.
* Reduced experience for spell casting overall, so you don't level up too quickly just by charging up a few spells (maybe a customizable setting)
An uncharged spell could maybe count for half experience and work up to double or triple experience for maximum charge.

In any case, I love the direction this mod is heading. Keep up the good work! :)
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:40 pm

This is a fantastic idea for a mod--something I always wished for but never had the skill to implement. Kudos for that.

However, I had the same problem as documn: I chose the 'convert my spells' option on load but when I select chargeable spells in the menu they are converted to restore minor wounds when I exit and I can't cast them in game mode.

Hey thanks mate! I haven't had time to check it properly but I think this feature has to be re-written, that's what I'm doing next.

* A spell failure chance, like TalkieToaster's or Fizzle (optional setting)
I like the feeling that playing with magic is dangerous: I would love an option that allows me to set a base chance of failure that always exists regardless of my skill level (say, 1%), that way I'll never know for sure what's going to happen when I cast a spell. Someone with a skill of 5 should fail more often than not, making it difficult (or at least painful) for non-magic users to gain experience; someone with a 25 should succeed most of the time with spells that aren't heavily charged, but fail more often with spells that are heavily charged. As players gain skill, they can reduce the risk of casting heavily charged spells.

That's already implemented, exactly like you described :)

* Backfire damage based on the spell type, so, for example, if you fail casting a fire spell, you take fire damage (optional setting)
I think this would be more immersive than a straight health or attribute drain (unless you happen to be casting drain health or drain attribute spells, of course); maybe the target of the spell could be changed to the caster on the fly with a percentage of the spell magnitude based on the degree of failure.
* Chargeable spells with multiple spell effects (I think you mentioned this in the readme)
Also, an easy way to integrate custom spells. I am designing spells that have harmful side-effects for the caster, so something that allows multiple spell effects is essential.

I don't remember if I said so but this are things I plan to add. Backfiring probably will be as you say, turning the spell on self and forcing an auto-cast, maybe at half of it's original power or so. I even have a few blank lines in the script to implement it once I came up with the appropiate formula :) Spells with drawbacks are nice, and even spells that could affect both you and the target at a reduced magicka cost. Ideas on this department are welcome. By now I'm not gonna script magic effects and still developing the charging process and the purchase/replace system, but if you have some cool idea combining a few default spells then by all means please let me know :)

* Reduced experience for spell casting overall, so you don't level up too quickly just by charging up a few spells (maybe a customizable setting)
An uncharged spell could maybe count for half experience and work up to double or triple experience for maximum charge.

The truth is that I've been experimenting with some leveling mods so I didn't noticed it to be so much unbalancing but maybe you're right, I'll try to halve it to see how it works.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:56 am

The truth is that I've been experimenting with some leveling mods so I didn't noticed it to be so much unbalancing but maybe you're right, I'll try to halve it to see how it works.

A customizable setting would be great. I have my settings really low so that I level very slowly and I'm constantly tweaking them to get the right balance for my play-style, so that might be skewing my recommendation in a way that others wouldn't enjoy. Letting the player configure the amount would be the best solution.

Some additional ideas for custom spells: as an alt-cast for bound items, a spell that lets you disable an equivalent item on an opponent for an equal duration; as an alt-cast for summoning spells, the ability to banish enemy summons. I realize those would be scripted effects, but I thought they'd be cool and fit in with the cast/alt-cast dynamic you've implemented. (Which is pretty cool, I might add. :) ) Something to consider down the road, perhaps.

I have a few ideas for spells that combine positive/negative effects using default magic effects but I'll have to get back to you on that one.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:22 pm

I've re-written entirely the spells replace functions, both for player and for NPCs, to a more optimized code using OBSE arrays instead of the royal mess of ifs and loops it was, and I've also made so many settings customizable in the ini.

New version 0.36 is available for download at http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27746.

btw, I've tried with so many different mods and without and I coudn't recreate that "heal minor wounds" bug. It happened starting a new game that I replaced all my spells and the one I has selected was this one, even it was removed from my list, and I could cast it, but once I had choosen a chargeable spell it definitely dissapeared and I could cast my chargeable spells normally, but that's it's natural behaviour.

I'd ask those that experienced some problem with the spell updater feature that give this new version a try to confirm if the problem was caused by inefficient code attempting to replace so many spells at once or rather is some kind of compatibility conflict with another mod that sets "heal minor wounds" obstinately as your selected spell, even if you don't have it, altought I'm rather inclined to believe it's the first one.

On another department, I'd really appreciate if someone with a minimum skill and the appropiate tools could make a video of this mod. I have two pics an user sent, but pics really say nothing because this mod doesn't modify anything on the visual aspect, and my computer isn't running very smooth, so I'd really really appreciate if someone could make a good video showing the spells being used in combat or in other circumstances. If someone sends me a video I'll PM it's author revealing him/her a cheat that's only possible in this new version and that allows for an infinite charge B)
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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:52 pm

There's a new version that fixes a major bug from last update. Users of v0.36 should upgrade to v0.361.

My apologizes for the inconvenience to those who downloaded the latest update.
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Ella Loapaga
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:00 pm

Heya people, here's the weekly update!

1- I'm finishing a multiple creature summoning system controlled by script that allows an unlimited, un-pre-defined amount of summons, even from creatures of the same type, and using all the creatures in the game. Summon a mob of contagious rats, a squad of skeleton archers, a few dremora valkynaz sorcerers, Imps, Minotaurs, you can summon even sheeps! I have to implement it completely and test it deeply but by now results are pretty promising.

2- I'm gonna start adding scripted spells (since now only the charging part was scripted, spells used default effects), so ideas for scripted effects that you'd like to see in Chargeable Spells are much appreciated. I've already received some good feedback about this but if you have some ideas don't hesitate posting them. Here's what I've planned so far:
    - force / push
    - unsummon
    - unbound stuff
    - repair items
    - recharge items
    - a little surprise
something more?

I'm seeking for some cool scripted effects not involving new meshes and textures, things like these above, so please don't ask me to make a chargeable rain of meteors because that's beyond my aim by now (unless you provide me the meshes and textures, in that case I'd be more than happy to script them all to work).

3- This topic is full of bug reports; bugs that, thanks to your reports, have been fixed. I tell this because I see that every day someone downloads my mod but just a few people dare to post, I hope it's not the amount of issues it had that scares them and that simply they're lazy, because current version is bug-free - or at least it should be, if it's not please let me know and I'll make it be! :) It's still a WIP, feedback is always appreciated!

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Emerald Dreams
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:33 pm

this looks fantastic. excellent work :D
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:09 pm

Found this mod while searching around TesNexus, very nice indeed! Please check this out people as it changes a core concept of magic in the elder scrolls series that I HOPE is implemented in Elder Scrolls 5!

Keep up the good work!
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Elea Rossi
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:22 pm

Thanks for making this, I reinstalled Oblivion with this very much in mind to be used.

I like how its going so far! I think I found an incompatibility with the mod Casting Hand by Skyranger-1 : http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19053

If casting hand prevents the player from casting because he's holding a two handed weapon or shield, parts of your mod think that the cast was a success. If the ini setting is set, the spell gives you information about the spell that (would have) succeeded. I think that causes weirdness next to happen. If the cast is prevented by Casting Hand, the next time I take stuff out of my hands the charging works but the spell is first cast immediately in the normal non-charging way too. It tends to use different amount of magicka for the initial cast ( I think) so that's what has been weird for me about using Chargeable Spells so far. If I select another non ch tagged spell and wait a bit, and select a ch spell again, things seem to work again until I try to cast with too much stuff in my hands.

But now that I know how to get it to work more as you intended I'll like using it more too.

I'm also using Casting Time, Supreme Magicka 0.90 beta 3 and other magic related mods but I guess they couldn't interfere. If there is more information I can give you, I would be glad to.

Edit : Well I guess what's happening is more complicated than that, or might not be casting-hand-mod related?. I was able to get the same problem, but hadn't been interrupted by casting hand telling me that my hands were full. This time I had chargeable spells working normally, readied my weapon, swung a few times, put it away and then the problems I had before were there again. But at least, switching to another spell and back again solves the problem again temporarily.
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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:42 pm

I'm a bit lazy when it's about writting in english so I'll quote myself from the nexus page: <>, so that is... I'm still here, simply I coudn't give to the mod the time it deserves.

@ localhosed: I haven't tested Casting Hands yet but surely the problem is that that mod disables the cast key to prevent player from casting spells, and my mod disables the cast key when a (ch) spell is selected to enable the charge process, and viceversa, so as you said, my mod "thinks" that the spell is successful when in fact is prevented due to Casting Hands. You've already discovered the only way to fix it that I know, selecting a non-ch spell while in game mode, so I think this doesn't help you so much, but I'll try to find a way to check if the cast key has been disabled due to another mod, but probably then it will override completely Casting Hands, and till now it's the only mod that I know that plays around with the cast key, besides mine, so I'm not sure that's a big deal. Maybe in a future, if I got time and get permission from SkyRanger~1 I'll try to integrate Casting Hands into this mod, but by now there's nothing I can do about it.
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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:15 pm

I'm very glad I stopped by to check posts. I forgot about the thread for a while. I still use this mod and wondered if you were still interested and understood the bug I had. I wanted to post partly too just to bring attention to the thread so that more people might see it again.
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Sophie Miller
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:43 pm

Hey grmblf I really have to thank you for this mod :) I am using Supreme Magicka and LAME and wondered why nobody ever thougt of chargeable spells. Now I stumbled upon your mod and I love it. I hope you are able to implement your "future plans" soon because I can't wait to try them all out :goodjob:
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Robyn Lena
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:35 pm

Would this work well with LAME?
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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:33 pm

Would this work well with LAME?

It actually does. I put it in the load order after LAME but you shouldn't have to do that. Chargeable Spells adds it's own stuff so there is nothing to worry about. ( At least I didn't notice anything.)
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