Looking at the Perk Chart, I'm actually inspired to try to make as non-violent a character as possible. Focus entirely on Sneaking, Stealth, Manipulation and Intimidation. Put a 9 in Charisma right out of the gate.
It looks feasible for once - with us being able to talk enemies into fighting each other, inspire companions like Dogmeat to attack for us (and we get the XP, as has been confirmed), etc.
I'm looking at:
S:1 P:5 E:1 C:9 I:5 A:6 L:1
It makes me REALLY need to avoid straight up combat. Sneaking around enemies, pickpocketing, stealth kills, etc. will be necessary. Really build up companions and my settlements, and eventually be able to talk enemies of both the human and animal variety into leaving me alone. I wonder if non-lethal weapons will be available?
Could make a very interesting first run at the game, since I won't have any fore knowledge to game the system with.