drink wine and dress appropriately. i'm not sure if its chance based (it might be) but 10 certainly isn't the max, my base charisma is 7 but i usually have it up at around 11
It's completely statistical: alas, I do not know the scales, but even having a level 10 charisma is not a perfect win every time.
10 is the base max but it can be temporarily raised by various other means and the barter perks have a character level requirement (don't know if its 16 but they didn't mean charisma level)
What you're wearing can make a huge difference. If you walk into the dialog wearing full armor and such, it's going to be harder to be persuasive. I always carry a clean gray suit, fashionable sunglasses, and a trillby hat. Between these three items I get +4 charisma while wearing them. My base charisma is leveled up to 7 right now I believe, so with the clothes I'm at 11. I almost never get shot down in dialog. If I'm asking for more caps or more information, I usually get it, even if the text option is in red. It's always a good idea to save before these dialog situations though. Sometimes you just get lucky and pass it. Other times you don't.
11 is base max.
the way to beat all charisma checks:
step 1. quicksave
step 2. ????
step 3. profit
13 seems to be the highest you can go for decreasing bartering prices and I always succeed persuasion attempts with 12 or 13. 6 or 7 charisma seems to be the best starting point if you only care about dialog, bartering and the perks up to charisma 6 because you get +1 from bobblehead, +1 if you choose charisma when you find Shaun's SPECIAL book, up to +5 from a full charismatic set of clothes and +1 from some types of alcoholic beverages. When you get to 8 via the bobblehead that you may find later on, you don't need alcoholic beverages anymore if you have +5 from clothes.
I recommend Reginald's suit for a +3 to charisma
That's what I was going to suggest, Graqe Mentats are really useful. I try to save them for when I find a vendor selling a legendary weapon or armour piece. I really should look into crafting them so I always have them on hand--the Chemistry station is the one crafting bench that I haven't used at all yet.
Imo charisma is a useless stat in conversations. 90% of the time, you can use it to get some caps, and none speech options so far that I've encountered, changes the end result in any significant way. Charisma is for settlement builders, and those who wanna have a go at intimidation playthroughs.
Save the game before attempting a speech check -> load if it fails -> repeat until succeeds.
My charisma is 3 and I have not failed a single speech check, due to loading past saves.
Broken system, going to be exploited. Can't believe bethesda put Fo3 system back.
Yeah, clothing definitely makes a difference. I have a uniquely named surveyer's outfit (forget the name, starts with an R) that gives 3 charisma and a militia hat that gives another. I put them on in town usually to bump my charisma score. I sometimes use chems to boost it even further ... day tripper gives a +3 charisma boost.
There are several instances where you can use Charisma to avoid fights entirely, however, which can be handy. Kid In The Fridge, for example, and the final area when rescuing Nick Valentine... both fights can be avoided with a good enough Charisma roll. Of course the question becomes, is the experience reward better for getting the speech check or for just killing everything and taking their stuff?
From what I've read from reviews and other players, it seems that CHA gives a basic increase to success chance with other perks increasing the chance further (perks beyodn just barter and Lady Killer/Black Widow). It's nice, but I honestly wish it was a simple pass or fail requirement rather than chance based. For example, I'd rather see a given speech check passed automatically if you have x amount of CHA or if you have a given perk - similar to how FNV handled it.
Or passing the speech test then killing everyone :3
It's what I did in the Valentine quest
From previous experience of playing every Bethesda game since Morrowind I started my character with 10 CHA and have not looked back. I add any +CHA clothing that I can find and to say what I am wearing now would be a spoiler but I am currently at 10+3 CHA whereas I was previously at 10+4 with just the gear that I collected from corpses that somehow ended up dead right in front of me. What you wear inside your power armour has no effect until you step out of it.
That's pretty much what i'm doing with my new character. Even now, I have 1 point into charisma and anytime I see a colored dialogue option, I will quick save and reload until I successfully use it. Sometimes it takes more than 15 tries, but it will work eventually. The odds just aren't in your favor.
Yeah I also just do the whole save and reload trick a good amount of the speech checks with my 1 Charisma. Sometimes I will lose my patience though for the insignificant speech checks like the extra pay ones and just move on.
I been able to earn more money in quest and pass some speech checks but never tried a red one.
I dislike saving and reloading for speech checks. I did it once and felt bad about it.
I like the system currently, i have 10+ int and 7+ CHA. I took the CHemist and Perk in END that makes you unable to become addicted to drugs. Keeping Graqe Mentats handy is what i do. When not doing CHA stuff, i eat Psychobuffs, 25% damage, 20(?)damage resist and +3 STR/END/PER increase for 16 minutes. i love it, didn't intend to be a druggie, but no one ever does..... lol
Have you even played FO3? This is nothing like it. At all.