Chasing Shadows

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:14 am

Adam, there are some issues:

Use capitals please.

Your starting to uber a bit.

Smoke pellets aren't in ES.

Even if they were, they are not in your inventory, so please stick with whats in it.

You have 1 more warning.

Slow down, no multiple posts unless its bumping.
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:19 am

As Fadril walked into the Bloated Float, he was instantly reminded why he didn't like the place much. Smells like Khajiit, he thought to himself. He blinked his eyes and wrinkled his nose, attempting to regain his senses, for the smell had hit him like a wall. He succeeded, and walked to a table in the corner, where he placed his pack on the floor and sat down. Not 5 seconds after taking a seat, a rather tall Nord began ordering the barkeeper around, in an usually loud voice.

"He acts as if he owns this place," he commented to himself. After the man's orders were fulfilled, he called over the barkeeper and ordered a drink. "Mazte, if you have it, lukewarm."

The barkeeper looked at him with interest, but said nothing, and shuffled away to the back room. Fadril began to sip his drink upon the bartender's return, and looked thoughtfully at the Nord, certain he had seen him before. He resolved to keep a close eye on this man.
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:52 pm

Galius was sitting in a shady corner of the bloated float he shouted"Ormil your biggest mugg of fine ale make it quick or ill have your head on a silver platter"Ormil ran over as quick as he could whith the mugg of ale Galius also said"Am also not paying"
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:20 pm

I'm dropping out.
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:25 am

dude, there was only one uber character, and he was given a warning. but you're going to have one line posters in every RP. You just have to get them to post more than that. But anyway, these characters would be at least somewhat stronger than normal, as they are guards, thieves, and assassins, generally strong characters.
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Charlotte X
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:30 pm

IC: Sulius sat down lonely on a bench, he didn't like being a guard but he knew that he only had three months left of his punishment before he could go back to his beloved wife and Vvadenfel, he missed those days when he was stasioned on the outskirts of the Empire. Now He just sat there on a bench wondering about his paycheck which would allow him to get a drink. He sighed and decided to start his round, as always he would have to give the waterfront a visit, seeing it was swarming with criminals there, he sighed again and made his way to the smelly outskirts.


Liarah blinked with her eyes when she finaly got out that barrel, she used her hand to block in the incoming sun light until after several minutes she was used to the light. That's the last time I'll go on a ship she thought while running to the water and nearly puked.
When she recovered she started looking around. "The waterfront eh? Just the place where I have to be."
She stroke her chin and looked down at her filty clothes ful with gaps, she was just thinking about getting a robe or something on when she noticed that almost everyone wore filty clothes. A smile appeared and she just started walking around looking for any potential victims.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:26 pm

too late to join?
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Ella Loapaga
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:54 am

Nope, not too late.


It is a dark day for the Waterfront. A platoon of guards have been sent to follow each citizen - its worse than usual. But in the shadows, a mercenary group, ordered to protect them, watched. The leader, Marius, signalled his men to jump out and attack the guards - and massacre was brought. Quickly, the guards were defeated, while the tyrant Lex watched from a watchtower, and cursed. He ordered some of his finest soldiers to repel the mercenaries, as only they had the skill to combat them.


An hour later, the battle continues. From a small riot into a skirmish of warriors, it turned. Horse-mounted guards attacked the mercenaries, while the mercenaries used their trump card - Galgar the Mage. He summoned a Daedroth to the battlefront, as well as many powerful fireballs fired from his fingertips. Now, the losses were increasing on both sides, as well as civilians lost in the crossfire. Word soon spread around the province of this riots, and many people came to aid both sides. From drunks to knights, they all joined the skirmish.
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:55 am

OCC: im dropping out, i don't like hearing a warning becuase it means i will screw up, so i will do one last post, then i will drop out with a rather one post!

ICC: Thomas goes outside and sees the Legion coming towards him with their swords drawn out,
"I better get out of here!" He said to himself, "There he is, get him!" said the Legion Captain as they all rush towards Thomas.

Thomas runs as he begins a flash fire spell he learned from the Gray Fox during training with the nineteen newcomers, as he drops the spell the Legionares look away and the spell affects Thomas's eyes, as he blinds himself by accident Thomas pulls out his sword and kills the Legion Captain by mistake,

"BASTERD! get this killer!" the Commander said as they all started to run towards him while Thomas was holding his eyes,
Thomas bumps into a wall and falls down, as his vision clears he sees a Legionare coming towards him ready to kill him, as the Legionare stikes him thomas screams loud for all thieves guild members to hear.

"Let that be a warning for all the members that seen this act of justice!" he said.

When they killed Thomas other thieves guild members rush towards his body and carries it to the small graveyard and buries him to the gravestone with his name on it, it reads:

"Thomas Free-Tree, died by the hand of a Legion Commander."

the rest still needs the finishing words on his age, birthplace, parents and his last words.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:01 am

OOC: This RP is not doing well, is it? Personally, I find the battle in the Imperial City a bit overrated. People don't want to get killed for something as trivial as a grudge against the guard.
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Ice Fire
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:30 am

When Mirnes was walking back to the watchtower, he was thinking about how bad things seemed to go for him. First he had let that thief get away in the sewers, and now he had been watching the whole riot, in hope of being capabel to follow the leaders to their hideout, but no he had been arrested, by one of the legionairs. Could it get worse, he had been waiting for hours in that damn cell, but there had been somthing good in it too he realized, he had meet this thief who had told him where to join the thieves guild, so now he only had to aquire reinforcement, then he could possibly get one of the higher, ranking members og the thieves guild arrested.
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