Totally against chat bubbles... play Aion and you will see why... screen full of spammers selling their wares, gold sellers, etc... keep that crap out of the game.
Totally against chat bubbles... play Aion and you will see why... screen full of spammers selling their wares, gold sellers, etc... keep that crap out of the game.
I'll backup any ideas as long as they're not too far-fetched so I wouldn't mind if this were added.
No need for explanation. I understood from the start that you are referring to a poorly implemented voice system.
I will be more than happy to continue this in a thread about voice chat.
welcome to PvP
I thing chat bubbles is PVP though i dont want them blocking my screen though
you know...on a *slightly* off topic, but related note - we have advances in technology for graphics - advances in tech for voice comms and latency and...whatever else. Why haven't we had any significant leaps in MMO/rp technologies? What about a dr sbaitso text-to-voice customizable local RP sound effect, tied to a particular channel that operated with distance and directional audio? I could type in what my character said - have it said at a person/particular direction. People that were in that cone would hear it relatively clearly, people far distant wouldn't hear anything, people nearby but outside the cone would hear muffled voice but no particular details.
we could replicate the sounds of a busy marketplace without the particular need for spam. Gold-sellers probably wouldn't be an issue as the direct commentary would be far less efficient reaching people than actually using text-based zone chat, and we could implement an ignore function that just muted audio from a particular source in case it *was* a problem. You could hear people RP'ing as characters, mute morons that were spamming chat to be trolls, and customize your voice to be whatever you wanted - gruff orsimer, feathery altmer, grim grizzled veteran Breton, fancy-pants kahjit, whatever - just get a voice library for a text-to-voice program, make it integral to the game or offer it as service appended to the game...whatever...
point is - why aren't we spending time and resources on RP technology advances?
like I said - not *directly* related to Original Post, but sorta
Please Zenimax, give us chat bubbles (with option to switch off of course). I think it will make social interactions much more personal.
You guys are on a roll so far with responding to features, thanks.
Some nice examples (from
That one looks great!
Optional only. I hate having those things clutter my screen, and whenever I can, I disable them.
Love chat bubbles. Optional OFF/ON would be great. As for VOIP. Unless you are in my Guild on TS, I really don't want to listen. Text chat has the advantage of allowing players to think before they commit.
The sad part is add ons won't be able to add chat bubbles, so this is all up to ZOS, pleaseee give us BUBBLESSSS
Well..I just remembered the clogging of your screen with bubbles in other mmos, its rather invasive on immersion when people are spamming ChEeP swurds~<3 <3 <3~~ Gewt ur noaw K thnx bi
Chat bubbles are so yesteryear. I want proximity VOIP like its 2014.
Agree, but that can come later.
The chat bubbles option is more basic functionality that is a highly requested feature at this point.
No chat bubbles really hurts RP. Sad to see them not included in TESO, much like in SWTOR.
Another thing- I have a hard time figuring out who said what nearby me. Chat bubbles would help greatly with this!
oh dear alkosh!
First thing I imagine are the underaged players running around screaming and ranting nonsense everywhere XD *shrugs of that evil vision* It would be a useful tool though too much clutter on the screen and would cause massive slowdowns.