Christie: Hi, my name is Christie. How may I help you?
Kevin: Hi
Kevin: I purchased Crysis 2 for the PC for $60 on steam ($10 more than a PC game is supposed to cost)
Kevin: And I have never once been able to log in to the multiplayer
Kevin: it tells me My login details are incorrect
Kevin: I tried four different accounts
Kevin: I tried creating one in the game... all to no avail
Kevin: It's been many days and I still can't play the game
Kevin: Meanwhile, PIRATES are able to play online
Kevin: using a cracked version of the game
Kevin: Do I need to download a pirated version of the game I payed for just to play it?
Christie: Firstly, I apologized for the difficulty this issue may have caused to you.
Christie: And no, you are not suggested to use a pirate copy of the game.
Christie: Let me take a look at the code of this game please.
Kevin: code?
Kevin: The pirates who illegally downloaded the game, have been happily playing online for over a week. While I, the legitimate customer, have been utterly unable to
Christie: May I ask where did you buy this game from?
Kevin: Steam
Christie: Is it a physical version?
Kevin: No
Kevin: Digital
Christie: Okay, could you please tell me what seems to be the problem while playing the game in multiplayer mode?
Kevin: I can't log in
Kevin: It tells me my account details are incorrect
Kevin: I tried making 3 accounts
Kevin: none work
Christie: Okay, please allow me few moments.
Christie: Thank you for your patience, did you receive a code for this game?
Kevin: yes
Christie: May I know that?
Kevin : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Christie: Thanks, please hold on for a moment.
Christie: Are you able to play single player fine?
Kevin : yes
Kevin : well no
Kevin : I get constant flickering with SLI enabled
Kevin : But I just bought the game for multiplayer, so I don't care
Christie: Okay, please wait.
Christie: Thank you for your patience.
Kevin : EA is the most dishonorable company in history
Christie: I would suggest that you load up the game's multiplayer mode, enter your key, then go into single player, and finally, go back into multiplayer and re-enter your key. After this, you should be good to go and won't have to enter your key again.
Kevin : Have you been reading anything I wrote?
Kevin : The problem is that It's saying my login details are incorrect
Kevin : has NOTHING to do with my code
Kevin : And I tried that anyway
Kevin : was of no help
Christie: Okay, you are trying to login with "" and password.
Kevin : no
Kevin : account
Kevin : and I tried xxxxxx as well
Christie: Did you create an account over before trying to play this game?
Christie: on*
Kevin : Before AND after
Kevin : I made three accounts total
Kevin : none of them allow me to log in
Christie: Then I would suggest that you create a new e-mail address, use that one instead of "" while creating an account on and then try playing the game.
Kevin : Did that
Christie: I assume that you created a nick name and forgot the name.
Christie: And its not letting you in the game.
Kevin : Nope
Kevin : I have used and
Kevin : none of those work
Kevin : I know the nickname
Kevin : xxxxx
Kevin : xxxxx
Kevin : and xxxx_xxxx
Kevin : fior the accounts respectively
Kevin : I am able to post on the forums using the nickname/password
Kevin : that is required for crysis 2
Christie: Please allow me few moments as I am looking into this issue further.
Kevin : Also, I have no firewall and dmz is enabled on my router, This is NOT a connection issue, as I am able to connect to and host servers in many games, inccluding minecraft, Borderlands, and my own ventrilo server
Christie: Okay, have you disabled your antivirus too?
Kevin : Do not have antivirus
Kevin : The error being returned
Kevin : one sec
Kevin : I will type it exactly
Kevin : Incorrect login details, please retry. For account maintenance, or to change password, please access your profile through gamesas.coim
Kevin : But the login details ARE correct
Kevin : of this i am 100% certain
Christie: Thank you for explaining the issue in details, please wait.
Kevin : Still there?
Christie: Yes.
Christie: I am sorry to inform you that a number of our players are facing this issue and we are working on it to be resolved. In the mean time, I would suggest that you go through the link below in order to get more information:
Kevin : Ok
Kevin : That is NOT the issue
Kevin : For the love of god
Kevin : Ok
Kevin : let me copy and paste something from what you sent me
Kevin : just now
Kevin : Some people are experiencing an issue with their Crysis 2 multiplayer key and also see the message "This key is already is use". A patch to fix issue is coming, but until then here is an easy work around solution:
Kevin : ^^
Kevin : Now let me paste what I wrote earlier
Kevin : Kevin : I will type it exactly
Kevin : Incorrect login details, please retry. For account maintenance, or to change password, please access your profile through gamesas.coim
Kevin : Different issues
Christie: Just a moment please.
(25 minutes later)
Kevin : Still there?
Christie: yes
Kevin : Look it's been over an hour already, should I just disconnect? Is this going anywhere?
Kevin : why do I have the feeling that you're just googling for answers lol. I can do that too
Christie: I am trying my best to get this resolved over this session itself. However, if you wish, I may escalate this to my senior department for further consideration.
Kevin : Can I just have a refund?
Kevin : You and I both know if this gets escalated I won't hear back from you guys for days
Kevin: If ever.
Christie: You can surely expect an e-mail from them within next 12 to 24 hours.
Kevin : Telling me what? That I am out of luck? That SOME day in the future I can expect a patch?
Kevin : I've waited over a week already, for a game I can't play. I think it would be best just to have my money refunded for a non working product
Christie: Well, this issue can't be handled at my level and that's why I am escalating it. Had there been something in my hand, I would have loved to do something in regard of this.
Kevin : You can give me a refund
Kevin : Actually there is something you can do
Kevin : you can offer me a link to the pirated version of the game, which WILL play multiplayer
Kevin : Since It has already become fact, that the pirated of the version works on multiplayer
Christie: Unfortunately not, because the game has been purchased from Walmart and we can not refund it back.
Christie: From here.
Kevin : Walmart?
Kevin : I said steam digital
Kevin : Are you implying STEAM got it from walmart?
Christie: Oh yes, I am sorry.
Christie: Same goes with Steam.
Christie: We can only refund if the game is purchased from EA Store.
Kevin : I get the feeling you are drifting in and out of this conversaton
Kevin : Whatever, escalate me. An hour of my time wasted
Christie: My apologies.
Christie: Thank you for contacting EA Customer Support. Have a nice day!!
I then disconnected.
Hard to believe, yes?