I thought I would experiment with the sky voice perk on High Hrothgar and see if I could tame the chaurus and falmer inside the inner sanctum in the Forgotten Vale, well, I have the chaurus tame but the betrayed are acting violent only until pacify them, they follow you everywhere though, so you have to be patient with them especially if you have Serana as a follower, make sure you cast the spell before your regular follower doesn't destroy white betrayed, it is pretty interesting, can anyone explain what these falmer types are? Are they a magical falmer, summoned, or? After they get destroyed, they break into isicles, whereas a regular falmer just lays down and gets some rest, I am curious if the archcurate made these falmer this way or was it Auri-El's doing? While in the main quest line for Dawnguard DLC, when you meet archcurate Bertha, after you destroy some of the falmer, they break into these isicle forms, it would be nice in my game play that the falmer inside the temple would be non violent as this is the game play I am shooting for, it is neat that the chaurus line up and act like they want you to tell them a story! I go into the inner sanctum and low behold, they jump all over you, except when I bring Serana, the falmer start attacking, I think it is Serana that is the cause!