» Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:05 pm
Not really use to #3 being referred to as drop shotting. Groups I ran with usually just called it ground h**ping.
1.) I don't really have a complaint on this in relation to it being a tactic...only that it just looks so goofy. Most people likely complain about it due to its break in realism and thus the immersion they're trying to accomplish while playing the game.
2.) Strafing...well, until we start operating our torso's separately from our legs, then it's our only choice in realistic combat, otherwise we'd all be running away or straight into the fray like madmen/women.
3.) Drop-shotting is perfectly fine. Most annoying part of it I see is when coming around a corner and someone instantly drops to the floor and just sprays. If you don't have anything to take cover behind, should you really just stand there and be turned into Swiss cheese?
4.) Camping - Well, seeing as how Brink is an objective based game, certain missions will require camping to be most effective. If you're on the rushing team and are trying to take objectives, but you decide to camp...well, that's a shame. I'm sure your team will appreciate your hard work.
5.) Spawn Camping - Well, good luck with that. I'm assuming we'll be choosing our spawn points if we have multiple (like in ET:QW), then if there's spawn camping going on at a forward base, then all we have to do is switch to either an earlier spawn or at least the starting spawn, which is well guarded.
6.) Strong Side - Just 'lolz'. Not at the idea of it, just at the people who begrudge it. Think about it; if you were running away and getting fired at, would your keep your head as high as possible? No, you hang it low and in some cases, might even try to cover your head with your hands. This is just the game equivalent.
Edit: The part about drop-shotting when meeting someone at a corner wouldn't really even work well in Brink, given the number of shots it requires to kill someone. Not only that, but after the first second of "wtf", you'll be a sitting duck just lying there. My advice is to not turn it into an instinctive response upon entering all combat situations, only the ones taking place in wide open areas, and even if then, only for a split second while you gather your senses. There's probably a reason the devs advise us to keep moving.