» Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:49 pm
As a 25 yr old, playing fps games since goldeneye, I feel it is my duty to explain why camping is not a "Cheap" tactic.
First there is 2 styles of play, Offensive and Defensive. There is no middle ground. In a game where teamwork is encouraged and there is an objective one team will be forced in a Defensive position. CT on a DE map and T on a CS map are the best examples. People who play offense on defense typically are a waste of a spot on a defending team.
Secondly there is 2 kinds of defending positions, a prepared position, and an unprepared position. Hiding is a corner with a shotgun is an unprepared position, meaning it offers little or no protection. Someone who has faster reflexes is going to beat the corner camper. Grenades are highly effective, and in some cases just pop a couple rounds through the wall and you usually know. A prepared position would be someone, lets say an engi, sets up shop in building. Sets up a mine at the entrance, and deploys a turret in a window watching the objective. He is free to watch out the window, or keep an eye on the turret. There is nothing cheap about said tactic.
Third, anyone who has played any fps game before has picked up a sniper at one point or another. Anyone who claims not to is a pure liar. A sniper is a marksman who shoots targets from concealed positions or distances exceeding the capabilities of regular personnel. Don't call that camping? I know i'mma get flammed, but really if you want to say your a beast no scoper while running, fine. Play CS:S never use your scope, pistol, or knife, and rock a 2-1 ratio with the awp. Record it or it didn't happen.
By camping you exchange mobility and escape routes for a better firing position. A fair exchange in my opinion.