1) Bunny Hopping
- Originally created in FPS's for the PC, used to help avoid being shot in a time where precision meant almost everything. (From Quake and No One Live's Forever. Used as a final jump to avoid a headshot from a Pistol from Halo 1, called the "ghandi Jump") Edit: Also used to help increase speed in shooters such as Quake
2) Strafing
- Ties in with bunny hoping, helps avoid being shot (halo and counter strike) Edit: not as cheap as some other tactics, but still seperates the skill gap of players.
3) Drop Shotting
- Originally from COD series, helps you duck under bullets, can also be used as a crouch to avoid a headshot (Crouch from counter strike and Halo)
4) Camping
- Originally from Counter Strike, "It's a legitiment strategy!" (Originally from Quake according to Puka)
5) Spawn Camping
- Originally from Halo (from my knowledge) Used to get a first shot on an enemy as soon as they spawn in. There may have been spawn camping in quake and unreal tournament, but I'm not sure. Edit: Spawn Camping was originally from Quake.
6) Strong Side
- Originally from halo, look down while running away to avoid getting head shotted.
Now, most of these tactics are considered "cheap" to a general audience mainly because they don't know how to propperly use them. When used right, enemies will more than likely "rage" from the game or call you a "hacker". However, when it comes to a "pro" look at it, these tactics take skill and add a large measure of degree to a game. It's what seperate seasoned vets to wimpy 12 year olds. Their the reason why game's that "take skill" are so well respected. Even though you may see these tactics as "cheap", just know that they work and are used to help seperate the skill gap of players. These tactics along side with map control have been a large part of gaming and should be respected as such.... Except camping... Camping just svcks. :spotted owl:
Edit: did not edit final paragraph, it was here the whole time. Your just blind