» Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:58 pm
Hi all, I was playing on some server or other a week or so ago and it must of been a kid that was playing as he had full attributes 12 12 12 but only had a Ranking of 27 or something like that, I typed that in between games, I told him how great a player he was, but how did he manage to get his attributes up to full: 12 12 12 and he point black left the server. Thats is the most obvious cheater i have ever seen. Their are a lot of pretty clever kids out their these days as far as pc's or gaming is interested but not them all it seems... lol
I Like a lot of the ideas in this thread makes sense if a cheater is obvious then their shoud be some kind of penalty!
Regards sk4man (serialkiller 4 man)