cheater report!

Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:03 pm


was cheating in a unranked game between 20:20 and 20:40 (9th april 2011)

dont know eny other way to report ppl for cheating so im just posting it here
he was useing some kind of infinite enegy cheat... he killed pll while stealthed without getting out of stealth

he still suxed... but he was still cheating...

plz ban him (and his IP just to make sure that that low life dosent bother us again)

and plz make some sort of report funktion

lets try and make this game cheat free...

and yea i know that im accused of cheating regualery (alltho i havent been in this game yet)

but if ppl think im cheating i am willing to let EA/crytek scan my entire comp for enything resempling eny form of cheat... and i really think that they should scan ppls comp for cheats before they are able to log on...
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:52 pm

any proof?
record dude...
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:53 am

I join a pro game type Team Instant action and saw this mussel-flash from a gun fire but the guy doesnt decloak and when i do get kill by em... there is no kill-cam cause of the game-type. How am I going to report that bastard? There is no kill-cam to start of with.

When is Crytek going to do something bout this hackers? Why is there no proper anti-cheat thing going on? Why Crytek just get punkbuster? why why why? We want answers!
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