Since WHEN is this a bad thing in MMO's? I'm going to reply with what you are going to say: Never.
Since WHEN is this a bad thing in MMO's? I'm going to reply with what you are going to say: Never.
The only answer I can think of is Zenimax doesn't allow any mods. It's as simple as that, which I think is best.
I agree.
I'm going to add the same thing I wrote in another post on this subject:
When I advertise for group members in TESO, I will make it very clear that we will be playing this dungeon for fun. Yes we are going to complete it but quitters, whiners, 'speed runners', elitists, DPS meter linkers and jerks need not apply. When I did that in WoW, I usually got a great group full of people and always had more /tells then I had space for. I expect the same will happen here too.
I'm not against people using addons but I am against people using them to tell you how to play, like they are some kind of elitist F-wit.
Do you seriously deny that wow has not been ^$%^& by addons after the first 2 years? If you claim that certain addons are not bad for long term gameplay and the life expectancy of a mmo then you should step out of the discussion.
I am always amazed when a self proclaimed anti-elitist crusader becomes an elitist himself.
There is more than one lesson to be learned here.
So you think you can teach me a life lesson?
If its how to be vague then yes, you can teach me something.
So basically, when you build groups, what you're going to do is purposely exclude a whole bunch of people who's playstyle you don't like? In other words, the exact same thing that "elitists" do when they build groups.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, you pick the kinds of people you want to play with.
Can you read?
I have nothing to teach nor i do want to, but if you are willing to learn it is obvious what is happening here.
Someone is convinced he is doing it right, and everyone else is doing it wrong. Which is dumb, if you have eyes to see it.
He just doesn't want to call a spade, a spade when it applies to him.
Wow is what this is all about, so if you have not played wow the last 6 years you have not seen the terror of addons, lol.
ive heard rumer that you can program your mouse to react to audio set up in reaction to certain upcoming events in pvp.
for example, if some one casts a spell toward you, your add-on can react to that event with an audio that trigers your pre-programed interupt via-mouse. thus your gaining an advantage in pvp due to speed in reaction time. BUT like i said that is just a rumer. to me thats going to far, and has crossed the line.
and i agree that when you use add-ons your setting up the community for prejudice and insult to any one who does not use an add-on for dps infos.
We're talking about TESO, though. Not WoW.
This is not done through ANY sort of legitimate or legal moves, I promise you.
Then stop confusing people and stay on topic. And dont be vague.
Soo, you are focusing on one MMO and it's inherent problems, and not the entire dataset of MMO's with add-ons?
Dude... saying there is a lesson to be learned does not imply i am the one teaching it.
My English isnt good but your reading comprehension skills are even worse
Yes, and i would like to keep ESO, ESO. And not WOESO.
You are mistaken. The mod can read a line in the combat log and make a sound so the user knows what will happen next in a boss fight and what he needs to do. The same thing can also enable the user to have audio ques when the target is using an interruptible skill so the player can then interrupt it.
I dunno the state of WoW addon right now, but they also used to enable the user to click 1 button to auto cast the 'most appropriate' skill. This is borderline botting. Some even linked the button to the W key so he or she will 'auto un-cc' if you know what i mean.
hmm some post just got deleted?
EDIT: nevermind, must be seeing things
He simply mistaken the context of the poster.
Im focusing on THE mmo of the past 10 years, who set a standard for all future mmo if we like it or not.
The extent of my addons in WoW were a map addon that let me keep track of the various nodes and a DPS meter so I could finetune my rotation for maximum damage.
*sigh* Show us on your avatar where the bad WoW touched you.
It's a completely subjective matter. Some people see it as cheating if you can see the enemy HP in numbers, some don't. Some see it as cheating if you have a timer for spells, some don't.
Objectively it's either allow addons or don't. In this case they've allowed addons, so it's completely up to ZOS if it's considered cheating or not.. :/
The only hope is that ZOS has some power to actually disable/disallow some addons and do so effectively.