Cheating fun (share fun console commands here)

Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:46 pm

I love cheating. While playing legit is fun, there's nothing more fun than breaking out a few fun console commands and have godly fun. For instance, setting your enchanting level to 50.000 and enchanting a ring with fortify unarmed, you'd be able to one hit everything with your bare hands.

Or my personal favorite... Spawning a number of Death Overlords in a city and watching them wreak havok (4247F is the base id).

What are your fun commands you'd like to share? I know for a fact Hevnoraak's got a bunch up his sleeve so get to it, ya moldy lich.

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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:11 am

Summoning Unbound dremora lords by the hundreds at random moments is fun as hell (They kill each other and everyone else around them! :woot: )

I also love to summon giants......

Oh and cheating is my middle name, boasting up skills with console commands is so my thing.

Do I have to add the console command for giants and unbound dremora lords??

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tiffany Royal
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Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:17 pm

I don't like the unbound dremoras after I completed the conjuration ritual quest because now they just stand there doing nothing, not interacting or talking... :P

Oh, and cheating's my middle name too. I had a blast cheating in Oblivion and I'm having an equal blast cheating in Skyrim as well.

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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:39 am

player.setscale 100 :) You can then run and jump around Skyrim extremely fast. It's also fun to change the scale of butterflies and other insects to 100. Oh and don't forget to change the scale of a giant to 100, then you get a real giant.

Also if you want to play a hybrid race here's how you do it. I'll be using a dunmer-orc as an example. Make a dunmer and then type: setrace orc. This will change your race to an orc and you'll get orc ears and teeth, but still have grey skin and red eyes.

Finally you should try these commands and look up: fw 0010D9EC and fw 00105941

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Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:54 am

scale 10 is the hardcoded max. :)

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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:14 am

Oh, well then setting it to 100 will still put it to 10 :P

Oh and try setting your horses scale to 10 while riding it.

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Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:46 am

I once set my scale to .3 just to see what it was like trying for your life to jump up the sitting place of a bench.. :D

By Ysmir, I feel small.

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Steve Bates
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Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:58 pm

I usually add crafting ingredients to my inventory. Or depending on how I feel my new character is, I may use console commands to apply certain perks. Example if I am playing a smithing character that came to Skyrim to ply his/her trade, why should they know nothing of smithing?

I like adding myself to factions, like the forsworn.

Or when I am feeling frisky, I'll turn into a werewolf and spawn a bunch of silver hand's to have some fun with :D

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Haley Merkley
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Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:41 am

Unbound Dremora mass-summon. You can even role-play it as a master-conjuration spell gone severely wrong! lol. They de-summon when they die, so it's great for system memory usage!

player.placeatme 99f2f xx

If you want to role-play yourself high on skooma after ingesting several bottles, you can set your FOV to absurdly negative numbers for a trip.

I also use commands to spawn additional enemies in certain places for that extra epic battle. I'll turn the AI and detection off. Turn colision off and set my speed to 500ish for quick and easy movement. Handplace my chosen enemies in wherever I want them to be waiting for me. Then I return to my spot, make a save, revert my speed to normal and resume normal game-play. I also do this if I want to set up a battle between enemies, like spawning a few sabre cats around a mammoth and a Giant, or spawning vampires and gargoyles around a bandit camp, etc.

Yes, I'm OCD.... and these practices bring out the worst in me in certain locations... But dammit it's fun and I find it immersive. I'm just not savvy enough to pull off these encounters organically with the CK... So I do it crudely.

You should use ddd5d and ddd5e instead. Easier to remember. First one is for one-handers and second one is for two-handers.

Also, for a minute or two in the creation kit... you can make yourself an experience you will NEVER FORGET. Frenzied Draugr Death Overlords! Here's how, very easy!

If anyone has the creation kit, follow along! I promise you'll thank me later! My quick and easy 5-step guide to usher forth the wrath of Atmora of old!

Step 1: Go to actors and type in the search filter[or just copy and paste it from here] EncDraugr05Boss

These are the badboys you are going to want to spawn for pure exhilarating chaos you will never forget. My recommendation? Focus on the two Those two are the Highest level ones, and thus the strongest of the strong.

Step 2: Now the ridiculously easy part! Duplicate the one[s] you want to spawn frenzied. Edit the duplicates and be sure to give them a unique ID. Now go to their AI data tab. You will notice you cannot edit it... Just look to the lower left and Now you will see you can There is literally just one thing you need to change...

Step 2B[optional]: Uncheck the check-box so that you can edit their name to something recognizable and easy to find using the help command in-game! I chose to rename them: Draugr Death Overlords. That way, in-game you just type help frenzied and presto bingo, there you will see all the angry drunk True Nords you made! And boy are they in a stupor!

Step 3: Confirm your new creation! If you are editing the duplicate, then say no to Create new form? message. No, because you do not need a new form of the new duplicate ID you just edited and renamed.

Step 4: Save. Save it over a previous mod file you make for stuff like this[like I do] or create a new mod. Whatever floats your boat.

Step 5: Give Roggvir the proper he deserves!!!

*disclaimer: Dragon cult and it's Priesthood holds no responsibility for the actions of selected jury, or damage caused by or otherwise correlated with said jury. When agreeing to the wisdom of the nords of yore, you agree to allow them unrestricted lee-way in their decision making process. Violence may occur.

Oh... and mind your volume... because.. you know... they are all going to be Dragon Shouting at once...

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Laura Samson
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Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:47 pm

How about this:

>Be a Nord

>Be dressed in ancient Nord armor, Helm of Yngol and wield some Nord hero weapons

>Be in the Draugr faction

>Be in an ancient Nordic barrow

>Chill out with all Draugr

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Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:18 pm

Do you use any graphics mods Hev? I use quite a lot and I can therefore not spawn that many things before my PC goes haywire lol

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Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:35 am

Nope. But I do play on Ultra-High. I have a very High-end PC. :blush: 200 Draugr is smooth with some minor FPS drop here and there[usually when they all shout at once]. 300 is consistent FPS drop, but still playable, lol. Anymore and Skyrim's memory allowance simply cannot go further. That said, frenzied Draugr use more memory than others because they all try to shout at once.

I can handle 300 unbound Dremora easier. They use less memory, and they are deleted when they die through a script.[Might try adding that same script to the frenzied Draugr... hmmmmm...]

I'm planning on doing this for a current Nord character I'm working on... :angel:

I also did something like this with a

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Mel E
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Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:43 am

Looks nice! Oh and thanks for the two death overlord commands. :)

Hmm, I do play on Ultra as well but anything over a 100 at once can be tricky. Might be because I use a few graphics mods. My PC isn't super high end tho.

GTX 660 TwinFrozr 2GB

Intel i5 3570K


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Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:44 am

I got 16GB as well. May be the graphics mods. Graphics are usually the biggest memory users because of all the rendering required. You may also try reaching the 100s by spawning them in intervals of 25 instead, as to not overwhelm the system abruptly.

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Jason Rice
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Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:40 pm

Yeah I usually do that and it seems to work better.

One thing I also like doing:

Send someone up in the air with the pushactoraway command and when they're high up in the air, spawn 500 eidar cheese wheels at them and watch it rain cheese. :D

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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:35 am

I'll try disabling the graphics mods I have and see if that makes any difference.

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Ebou Suso
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Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 4:09 pm

Pushactoraway command? I just learned something new...



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Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:49 am

Pushactoraway [refid] [value]

If you click on something in the console, and then type the command followed by a positive number, the person will be pushed from that reference. If you use a negative number, the person will be pulled towards that reference. If you click on the person you want to pushaway and then use a positive number, it'll launch them up in the air.

For example

Prid 13485

pushactoraway 13485 200

Will send Delphine straight up in the air as if she had been hit by a giant's club.

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