From what I've seen of the DLC scripting, it's just a condition when you enter the DLC that boots them back home so once you are inside and move them in there with you, there should not be any problem.
The standard 8 companions should follow you wherever you are. There's nothing special about the DLC worldspaces, as far as companions go they are the same as every other worldspace. Plus I'd bet the standard eight will follow you out of the DLC fine, I doubt there's any condition check there, it's only when entering that they get booted.
I've also looked at the DLC companion scripts and they are separate from the standard eight so I see no conflict there. (i.e. Having one of the standard eight with you won't cause a DLC companion to blow up.)
The more interesting problem would be to respawn the DLC companions so you could bring them back to the Mojave. It could be done.