well... i just downloaded the editor, now it's uber time

Jaden: Do as you will, but I recommend against that highly... At first, it may be fun, but it will
ruin the challenge and a significant (read:
very significant) part of the ultimate fun. Worse still, much more quickly than you expect, I can almost guarantee you that the game will become
completely boring. In addition, if you ever try to exercise discipline and go back to playing it for real
(which frankly, you should), it will be almost impossible. ("Why am I running/swinging/hitting so slow? This is taking forever, I can't land a blow, I have no HP!" etc, etc.)
Cheating in difficult games is like cocaine; once you start, it's a royal PITA to stop. (That, and you'll wish you never started to begin with.)
Your call. :rolleyes: