You just have the FOSE version check in a separate quest script, that way the core script doesn't die.
Yes! Of course. I tried it that way and it worked a charm. Thanks to you TTT once again.
If the script will just skip the FOSE parts if its not installed, then couldnt you just have the Fose part up a variable, and if its not up to 1, then it show a message or something. So that way if its not installed, it just skips the variable +1 part, then shows the message because its not 1 its 0. Would that work? Or does the whole script get 'corrupt' if FOSE isnt there?
Unfortunately, the way I was doing it originally, as soon as a FOSE command was used in the script, the whole script just stopped working, By doing it the way TTT suggested, only the fose check fails and the variable defined in the other quest script remains 0 and can be used to display a warning message that is repeatedly annoying.
Awesome. This should alleviate many bogus error reports I get with my mod. Whahoo!