Cheering Chickens

Post » Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:01 pm

I had a nice, well thought out, long explanation post typed up, but my computer froze and I lost it, so here's the boiled down version:

Cait's Critters: chickens cheer "hooray" in baby voice from Children of Morrowind.

Followed abot's advice and checked my mods for sound gens without assigned creatures. Found one each in four mods and deleted them in EE. Chickens still cheering.

MCP (latest)

MGE XE (latest)

MPP (BTB-Edit)

Mashed Lists (Wryemash)

Merged Objects (TESTool)

MGSO (with heavy customizing and upgrades)


_001_ Morrowind.esm
_002_ Tribunal.esm
_003_ Bloodmoon.esm
_004_ abotWaterLife.esm
_005_ Morrowind Patch 1.6.5 Beta (BTB Edit).esm
_006_ Book Rotate.esm
_007_ MW_Children.esm
_008_ NighttimeDoorLocks.esp
_009_ Regeneration and Meditation.esp
_010_ Mournhold Mage's Guild.esp
_011_ abotTakeMyPlace.esp
_012_ abotWhereAreAllBirdsGoing.esp
_013_ abotFreeFellowSlaves.esp
_014_ abotSkarPlatforms.esp
_015_ Nymeria's Faster Walk.esp
_016_ Cait's Squirrels on Vvardenfell.esp
_017_ Cait's Cats.esp
_018_ Cait's Critters Unleashed Tribunal.esp
_019_ SirLuthor-Tools.esp
_020_ Unique Banners and Signs.esp
_021_ Better Bodies.esp
_022_ Book Rotate - Morrowind.esp
_023_ Book Rotate - Tribunal.esp
_024_ Book Rotate - Bloodmoon.esp
_025_ jac_Passing Time While Reading_BRBJ Patch.esp
_026_ jac_Jasmine.esp
_027_ jac_Ahnassi_basemant.esp
_028_ jac_Snowbear Cub.esp
_029_ jac_morte.esp
_030_ jac_Guar Companion Lulu.esp
_031_ jac_lightning_strike.esp
_032_ jac_mtwrits.esp
_033_ jac_pillowbook.esp
_034_ jac_noarmorstacking.esp
_035_ jac_wolfie.esp
_036_ Nymeria's Monthly Respawn.esp
_037_ Key Replacer Trib & BM.esp
_038_ Meteor.esp
_039_ Silt Striders Are In Vvardenfell.esp
_040_ Better Skulls.esp
_041_ JEB_muffin_fix.esp
_042_ Sea_of_Solstheim.esp
_043_ Smooth Moves.esp
_044_ House of Earthly Delights Harem Style.esp
_045_ backpacks.esp
_046_ Hide The Skooma.esp
_047_ Healing.esp
_048_ ToolKit.esp
_049_ WA_Signy_Signposts(!).ESP
_050_ stc_bloodmoon_ingredients.esp
_051_ stc_tribunal_ingredients.esp
_052_ Elders 0 Count NPC add-on (Trib & BM).esp
_053_ Particle Arrow Replacer.esp
_054_ Psy_VGR_Armour.esp
_055_ MA_snowprincetomb.esp
_056_ A Portcullis for Pelagiad.esp
_057_ A Portcullis for Hawkmoth.esp
_058_ A Portcullis for Moonmoth.esp
_059_ A Portcullis for Wolverine Hall.esp
_060_ SNR_ThievesStep_Standart.esp
_061_ Wanderers of Solstheim.esp
_062_ Mixed Guards.esp
_063_ AtmosphericSoundEffects_Tribunal.esp
_064_ Vurt's Grazelands Trees.esp
_065_ Dark Sisters.esp
_066_ Statue Replacer - Normal.esp
_067_ Better Clothes.esp
_068_ BetterClothesForTB.esp
_069_ Better Clothes More.esp
_070_ BetterClothesBloodmoonPlus.esp
_071_ Clothiers of Vvardenfell.esp
_072_ bones.esp
_073_ Shieldfx.esp
_074_ Show Ammo Dmg.esp
_075_ Golden Gold.esp
_076_ Golden Gold Patch.esp
_077_ Satchels.esp
_078_ NewBlood_MwTbBm.esp
_079_ StaticAlchemySet.esp
_080_ Protective Guards.esp
_081_ Halflings.esp
_082_ Increased Dark Brotherhood Attacks Delayed.esp
_083_ Neo's Unique Creatures.esp
_084_ Graphic Herbalism.esp
_085_ Graphic Herbalism Extra.esp
_086_ Bloated Caves.esp
_087_ correctUV Ore Replacer 1.0.esp
_088_ CoM_rt_outfits.esp
_089_ CoM_em_outfits1.esp
_090_ POTD Paintings.esp
_091_ Cali_Opticians.esp
_092_ Pegasus Estate.esp
_093_ almalexia armor.esp
_094_ Almalexia.esp
_095_ Psy_UniqueDremora_T.esp
_096_ Keyring.esp
_097_ The Imperial Legion Badge.esp
_098_ mel_teleport.esp
_099_ New Voices.esp
_100_ Sleepers, Awake!.esp
_101_ BB_Grimoires.esp
_102_ guarskin_drum_replacer.esp
_103_ Propylon Mod.esp
_104_ Index Mod.esp
_105_ LeftGloves_Addon_v2.esp
_106_ Books of Vvardenfell.esp
_107_ A Windmill for Pelagiad.esp
_108_ Corprus Stalkers.esp
_109_ Lockpick Slave Bracers.esp
_110_ Winged Twilights.esp
_111_ Unique Jewelry and Accessories.esp
_112_ UniqueFinery.esp
_113_ Imperial Graveyards of MW.esp
_114_ Better_Sounds.esp
_115_ Pelagiad Provisions.esp
_116_ Clean MCFC_1.0.esp
_117_ Containers!.esp
_118_ Undead Arise from Death.esp
_119_ imperial chain fix.esp
_120_ BoxerShorts.esp
_121_ Starfires NPC Additions.esp
_122_ Hold it!_replacer.esp
_123_ Hold it - SF npc addon.esp
_124_ Hold it - COM addon.esp
_125_ Proper Ladies Hold It Elders patch.esp
_126_ UF_HortRobeF001.esp
_127_ Vurt's BC Tree Replacer II.esp
_128_ Alchemy Storage Helper.esp
_129_ New Bodies - Mature.esp
_130_ Better Weapons and Armors.esp
_131_ Better Morrowind Armor.esp
_132_ Plangke's Female Cuirass Replacer.esp
_133_ Female Armor - Complete.esp
_134_ Better Morrowind Armour Add-On.esp
_135_ invisibleson.esp
_136_ Luscious Levelled Lists.esp
_137_ Raym's Invisible Shields.esp
_138_ OTR_Coast_Variety.esp
_139_ abotSiltStriders.esp
_140_ abotBoats.esp
_141_ STA_guides_replacer.esp
_142_ Creeper the drummer.esp
_143_ TeaMod.esp
_144_ TeaMod_TeaGiving.esp
_145_ daedricsanctuaryfix.esp
_146_ Morrowind Crafting.esp
_147_ Morrowind Crafting Equipment.esp
_148_ MoreGems for MC.esp
_149_ LLW_races.ESP
_150_ LLW_Megamerge.esp
_151_ NoM_MC Compatibility Patch.esp
_152_ Hold it - NoM addon.ESP
_153_ TeaMod_NoM_Patch.esp
_154_ Better Robes.ESP
_155_ CellHouse.esp
_156_ Merged_Objects.esp
_157_ Mashed Lists.esp

Merged and customized (not in list):

LCV, NoM 3, Animated Containers, Animated Morrowind, a custom startup mod, a custom Witcher race mod, a custom Balrog race mod, Dwarves mod, Lothlorien Elves, Telperion and Basemant, Raven's Armor, and Melchior Dahrk's Grazelands Mallorn Forest.

Due to the heavy customizations and merged mods, I use MLOX as a guide and never allow any program to auto-fix anything.

Any ideas? After deleting the blank soundgen entries, I'm at a loss. It's nice to have a cheering squad, especially for a new character right off the boat, but I have the feeling it's going to get annoying.

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Post » Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:54 pm

It is a little disconcerting to hear her walking around with chickens yelling "hooray!" at her. They do cluck though.

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Dan Wright
Posts: 3308
Joined: Mon Jul 16, 2007 8:40 am

Post » Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:17 am

What's wrong with cheering chickens? Ever been to the country side? Chickens do that all the time!

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Peter P Canning
Posts: 3531
Joined: Tue May 22, 2007 2:44 am

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