yea my thread has been jumpin around more than...something that jumps around a lot
I think the first thread didn't really leave much for participation from others or didn't seem to add anything but to point out you like collecting cheese. Since your asking others what they like to collect as well, it's o.k. to stay.
I think the first thread didn't really leave much for participation from others or didn't seem to add anything but to point out you like collecting cheese. Since your asking others what they like to collect as well, it's o.k. to stay.
actually, this is the same exact thread, it just moved somewhere and came back again.
I collected candles and lanterns in Morrowind. My house was very, very bright
never really thought of that, but hey, i collect a few daedric/dark brotherhood artifacts and store them in my dark brotherhood sanctuary chest :thumbsup:
Nice - did you play with the mod that adds Rune Skulls everywhere?
I think it was part of some overhaul mod, because I was like WTH is this thing when I found one the first time. Rune Skulls were great because they broke up the monotony of finding crappy vanilla loot all the time, since they were kind of unique items.
I plan to make some kind of Necromancy mod for Skyrim adding enchanted skulls or other kinds of cursed items like this.
Exnem's Runeskulls, yeah. But I mostly used them to enchant items when they provided a nice enchantment. Kept the rest on display though. But they were a nice addition to find
actually, this is the same exact thread, it just moved somewhere and came back again.
Because he edited in a question.
I see you changed your post to reflect future potential collections for Skyrim. As such I have moved this thread back to Skyrim General after a brief stay in Oblivion General.
Like I said earlier, I'd love to collect all the books in the game. I love to read the in game stories :happy:
I made a khajiit who is charmed by the plants world, and especialy by the poison plants can create. I used to collect nightshades and toss them around the house like floor tiles.
Although, my character was so obsessed with nightshades and their power she ate atleast half of the collection (about 500 nightshade flowers) over time. She just wanted to feel all of this poisonos power in her mouth... mmm....
if the game has prosttutes, I will collect them, if I can't collect them, I will kill them, if I can't kill them, I will .... what else can you do with a prosttute?