So right.
I can't believe people don't think Lady Killer or Black Widow implies sixual orientation. Are these young people or people who don't speech English as a first language?
Black Widows kill their mates. As in, they never kill the male until they've slept with him. If only being willing to kill someone until after you have rocked their world in bed doesn't imply sixual orientation, I don't know what does.
And yes, Lady Killer is synonymous with 'Player' or 'Playa'. Lady Killer, as in "he knock them dead", as in, he is such a flirt and a hit with the ladies, they swoon (feint, collaspe, die) when he shoots them a glance.
So if THOSE two perks imply sixual orientation . . . . you can see where I am going with this.
Study some slang and pop culture older than yourselves people! :read: :hehe:
I agree that these perks do
infer a sixual orientation, but I think it all comes down to RP as to whether or not your character follows with it. I don't mean whether you follow through with the homosixual dialogue options either. what it comes down to for me is whether you believe that homosixual actions make you gay or if its an internalized feeling. If someone engages in gay six, does that make them gay even if they didn't like it? What about if they did like it, but aren't, and never have been and presumably never will be (not to say this can't change), attracted to those of their own gender? Consider if the act was forced on them. What if they enjoyed it even then? On the other hand, what if someone feels attraction to their own gender but never engages in any homosixual acts? Are they considered straight? It depends on who you ask.
You also pointed out that the character that does these things "likes" the actions. this isn't necessarily the case, maybe they are just gifted at flirting with their own gender and choose to take that route for some other reason. They may even hate it but take the actions as some sort of penance or something, depending on your RP. For example, Solid Snake doesn't
like killing people, but he's damn good at it. He might still choose to fight his way through an objective rather than sneak, especially in MGS4.
Also, I want to point out about my "
infer" bit up there, I try not to be too much of a prude, but I am a stickler. As I understand it (and admittedly that might not be very well) imply means that the assumed aspect is true, like how speaking implies that there is someone or something there to do the speaking. Infer mean that the assumed aspect is merely assumed, like how a large amount of blood splattered all over the room might infer some foul play took place there, though it's not absolutely known. And given the confusion of the conversation so far, I thought it was a good idea to clarify that.
So anyway, these perks don't make your character gay, though an outside observer would probably assume that they were. That's my opinion about it anyway.