Chetaers, stats and co...

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:08 am

Hi all,

in first, excuse for my quite bad english.
I would like to report, as many gamers i think, the matter of cheaters! they are very numerous, and after i think i will stop to play to crysis2...I don't understand how you didin't think to protect the game's files configuration and detecte any changes of this file as does Blizzard, for example....

I saw there was a topic on the Stats subject, but it did 32 pages... i read it during the day. Lose 1-10 levels...yeah , i'm loving it. Next time, remember to finish the game...We are not on game console platform! we expect for a minimum of quality.

About grande launcher and rocket launcher.
For the first, it must fall exactly on the position of the guy for kill him, no damage areas...logic.
For the second, a player with it who shoots me (less than one meter) is still alive... and me down...logic

About pistols and assaut rifles,
The pistols has the same scope than the asaut rifle, you can kill a player who is in the middle of the map....
More, guns do not have any perspective, we can empty a magazine without having to manage the decline, it's too easy!! We are not on a console !!!

there is also a problem of viewfinder. When one is in sight of the grenade launcher on the scar, and that it returns to the rifle, it remains on the grenade launcher sight.

About respawns, Players respawn right, next, in front or behind us .... it's infuriating when you have a good set of frags, to be killed by a guy who the "lucky" to appear in our back

Of course we must not take these comments to heart, the game needs to be improved, the multiplayer is very promising, I'm sure if crytek and EA listens to the community of players, the game will become a benchmark in terms of MP

Best regards

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Christie Mitchell
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