....I'm not sure if this thread would be appropriate here or in the General Discussion thread :sweat:
Please move it wherever it is appropriate, Mods, thank you very much! :happy:
Anyway, I feel inspired to want to draw chibis of the archetypes. When the game comes out, I hope to draw all of the archetypes, and
someday I would like to give them to the devs as a Thank You present.

EDIT: All of my pics both Work-In-Progress and Final pics can be found in my gallery: http://bunny-gypsy.deviantart.com/gallery/ :bunny:
Here is my chibi Anger (work-in-progress):
http://bunny-gypsy.deviantart.com/#/d3dlvyk (click on pic to zoom in closer)
http://bunny-gypsy.deviantart.com/#/d3dlwe4 (click on pic to zoom in closer)
I really want to make him cute, but I feel like he's not cute enough. I want him to be http://lh4.ggpht.com/_GnMomRTFw_8/SoITyj8P9fI/AAAAAAAAByw/it9TPZkxktg/viddasvision_PSPGames_Mega_Man_Powered_Up_SD.jpg. Also, I need to work on that flame, lol.