I was just reading on a earlier thread about Chicago and have to say it would make for a amazing game location (Thats not what this thread is about though

What we do know is that there is a Enclave presence in Chicago, large enough to intercept a eye-bot (ED-E) covering a distance the size of Chicago
We Know that there are 3 different ending possibilities for the MW BoS faction and they determine the ethnic layout of the Mid West (BoS under Barnaky would exterminate all Mutants/Ghouls, for example)
And we know Casear's Legion has Captured BoS scribes in the east (meaning they are not West Coast BoS)
What I would find logical is if the Enclave has taken to Chicago city as a Gorilla group and use a Military base under the city to use as their HQ. This would allow them to keep small numbers (100-300 people), but still manage to monitor the streets for anything coming in (like a Eye Bot) and manage to catch it. I would tend to believe that the MW BoS is likely smaller than at their peak when their numbers swelled and they incorporated non-humans into their ranks. I would also believe that they are somewhat more reserved now, and likely stick to their bunkers. This is due to the fact that ED-E made it through their heartland and didn't get caught by any of the "Tech Hoarding" BoS. That makes me believe that the BoS ended with the Barnaky ending and that the loss of the Mutants in the region could have weakened the BoS manpower into semi-hiding. We also know that the Legion is moving east, probably, and could be the dominate as the "non-hiding" faction. In other words, while the Enclave and BoS are underground working to advance their own agendas in a secretive way, the legion could be commanding the large swaths of open land that make up the Midwest.
Thats just an idea, but still, it sounds semi-logical and fun to play

So what do you all think of what is going on the the Mid West?