Why TES games have no children, and are only populated by advlts
1) More dialogue and specialized child voice actors
2) The numbers and scope of 3d modeling would increase many times over
3) AI changes perhaps
4) Moral questions, ie, slaying children etc...
5) Effects of childrens presence in the game world, ie, day time schedules, squires/apprentices/labourers/and schools etc.
Many people might argue, that the amount of work to include children would offset the gains. I for a time thought this. Until, recently when I replayed perhaps the greatest and most RPG of all time, of course; "Ultima 7: The Blackgate"....
How RPG's of the past incorporated young into the game world
Ultima 7 included children in their game world. Some where dressed differently, some went to school, some where part of a family unit, Spark the orphin could join your party etc etc. Ultima 7 did not include all of the fore-mentioned points i listed.
As an older game in a very different 'top down' format, they could afford to dust over such details for their inclusion, still achieving a good result. You could slay children if you were so inclined, and that matter was handled no differently to anyone who might have to kill; txt based reply balloons whilst fleeing such as "Leave me alone!".....and "wahhhh!!". The killing blow would respond in an unrealistic pop noise as the moving character is converted into a flat bloody image of a body. There was no need for voice actors in that day in age.
They did not need to worry about paper-dolling armour or clothes onto child characters or even advlt characters, as the game did not support that.
What child characters bring to the game world
I believe child characters are an important part of a believable game world. They are of course, an important part of every day life!... Child characters can convey a sense of importance in story telling which is original, and extremely powerful. In the right context, saving the life of a young child could be considered more important than stopping an oblivion gate from opening for instance.
The presence of children allow for much better fleshing out of npc's in a game world.
1) The disinterestd son of the King,
2) The bar wenches bastard child which no-one loves etc etc.
3) The incarcerated child with raw magical talents....
Etc etc etc.... I just made them up right now. As you can see, it could breath new life into a very difficult aspect of the open world RPG genre. The possibilies for remarkable game play, and compelling heartfeld story telling is increased.
How child characters could be handled in a detailed 3d game world.
First of all, a detailed 3d world is a very different beast compared to the cartoonish depictions of classic games. It is difficult to simply 'black out the 'grey' areas of morality in a world bristling with detail, without drawing attention.
1) What type of censorship WOULD kill immersion?
2) Is censorship necessary at all?
3) What type of censorship is necessary?
Such child characters in my opinion need not be common to be effective. In a world like Oblivions for instance, 20 child characters would be more than enough. If babes would be included, even easier as they do not need much design and attention at all.
Young would not play such a direct role in the "game mechanics/rpg elements" for obvious reasons, so therefore it is not necessary to allow the fitting of weapons or armour. Perhaps just a few generic outfits or farmers clothes would suffice...
Censorship of violence and gore is probably the primary issue in the inclusion of children to any free roaming game. There are many ways to handle it. Almost all of which would encroach on the immersion factor, if you wanted to slay a possessed child for instance...
1) Children are ethereal. ie your spells and sword flys straight through them to now effect.
2) Children have an uncanny dodge ability, like peds in "crazy taxi"
3) Children simply get KO'd. With censored gore factor etc. And wake up with no memory.
4) No censorship at all.
All of these are plausibly acceptable in my imaginings, depending on what context such evil actions are performed in the story. Number 4 would definitlely make a higher rating likely, but IMO still not necessarily get the black flag and make a sadistic game. Number 1 and 2 IMO is acceptable provided your target runs away etc.
Number 3 is IMO the safest option, and is the option most closely resembling Ultima 7.
Other problems and faults which could come with inclusion of child characters
One of the most annoying thing about child characters is bad voice acting. Smart-aleck kids, or generic bland personalities.
Unrealistic, or boisterous replies to a looming PC dark-elf are not likely...
So, there it is.... I think that the series is in need of a bigger buffet of story telling tools. I think it is entirely possible to include child characters, without breaking the time/budget restraints of a AAA game. I believe that their presence would bring a lot more meaning to the sometimes cold factors of such epic scale games.
The same force is at work here when someone would suggest standard love themes/side quests to fill this humanitarian void....it is after all human nature!