I entered my house in the pale after being away for about a day and Sofie came up to me saying "papa!" With only the general dialog options. Now she follows me everywhere around the house trying to talk to me and its really becoming a pain. I've tried moving my family to breezehome and nothing's changed. Is there anything I could do to fix this?
Well, I did keep a save before I adopted any children, I could use that if it doesn't stop but it would mean loosing a days progress and I've already had to do it once before. This DLC has been more of a chore than anything so far.
By general dialogue options do you mean the usual give a gift or play a game type one? Did you reply or just back out of the conversation? Give her something and maybe she will go away. The other possibility is do you have any unusual followers with you that could be disrupting things?
Yes, those dialogues, I've tried hide and seek and whatnot, it doesn't work, I suppose I'll try giving her a doll or bringing home a pet today. Thanks for the help.