Children of Fallout 3 Design Document.
Base game using only fallout3.esm
1. Create 10 children of each race and six.
a. Facial Development, names.
b. Edit certain children names and faces to go with certain in game advlts.
c. Create and assign scripts for special children e.g. Lucian Harith.
d. Develop script to detect and switch in game children to unkillable if manually or
changed via a mod to be killable.
2. Get advlt clothing to work properly for children.
a. Children should not develop briasts by wearing clothing.
3. Create advlts to be parents of some children while leaving others as orphans. Possibly assign some children
to existing vanilla advlts.
a. Develop scripts for these children and advlts so the advlts and children act more "familiar".
a1. Possibly create some additional wasteland shacks and small 'farmholds' to use as home base for these.
b. If a1, would need new sandboxes if possible?
4. Raider children.
a. Step (3a)
b. Suggested in forum: Some raider children escorted to Little Lamplight. These would by necessity require special
work as well as scripts.
b1. If b, would Little Lamplight need expansion?
5. Voice acting for children and advlts.
Future possibilities:
1. Quests relating to children?
2. Small "schools" or certain times of day script where children in farmholds or towns go to (new room/ building?)
school, sit in desks, and an advlt teaches?
3. Give names to all unnamed npcs in game?
4. DLC addons?
Base game using only fallout3.esm
1. Create 10 children of each race and six.
a. Facial Development, names.
b. Edit certain children names and faces to go with certain in game advlts.
c. Create and assign scripts for special children e.g. Lucian Harith.
d. Develop script to detect and switch in game children to unkillable if manually or
changed via a mod to be killable.
2. Get advlt clothing to work properly for children.
a. Children should not develop briasts by wearing clothing.
3. Create advlts to be parents of some children while leaving others as orphans. Possibly assign some children
to existing vanilla advlts.
a. Develop scripts for these children and advlts so the advlts and children act more "familiar".
a1. Possibly create some additional wasteland shacks and small 'farmholds' to use as home base for these.
b. If a1, would need new sandboxes if possible?
4. Raider children.
a. Step (3a)
b. Suggested in forum: Some raider children escorted to Little Lamplight. These would by necessity require special
work as well as scripts.
b1. If b, would Little Lamplight need expansion?
5. Voice acting for children and advlts.
Future possibilities:
1. Quests relating to children?
2. Small "schools" or certain times of day script where children in farmholds or towns go to (new room/ building?)
school, sit in desks, and an advlt teaches?
3. Give names to all unnamed npcs in game?
4. DLC addons?