Bruma has been taken completely by the mutated freaks that were once intelligent beings.
The Imperial City is utterly overrun, but rumors have it that there are filthy survivors living in the sewers, feeding on the many mosses and mushrooms that grow in the damp darkness. A quarter of Cyrodiil is totally ruined, blackened and disease-ridden wastelands scar the once beautiful countrysides. The mysterious caves that dot the lands have been gutted out by the infected hordes, and left empty, to crumble as the hordes ravage the land.
Explanation of the Plague of Narsiym: Small eggs that appear to be grains of sand grow into large worms inside the chest cavity. They excrete more eggs and their droppings into the stomach, turning the blood and stomach acid a light green and black color. The Avatar of Narsiym strengthens the plague while it is alive, its presence empowering the eggs to grow quicker, the victims to turn to Narsiym's army of infected within minutes. If the Avatar is removed it is said that Narsiym's hold on the worms will die down a little bit, and the infected monsters will be weakened, and easily disposed of.
You are the remnants of the destroyed Imperial Army, and have created a wooden fortress on one of the many caves that the infected had scoured of life. You have endured the plague for now, and soon Admiral Faurus, who is the leader of the fortess, will band together with the many Camps that have vowed to destroy the plague, and wipe the Plague Drake and the infected beasts from Cyrodiil forever. This will not be an easy task, and many hardships will come your way on this journey into the maw of disease, but with endurance and a strong will shall thee prevail these disgusting monstrosities and abominations. The cave is located about five miles to the left of the Imperial City, right in the middle of one of the largest Wastelands, which is called Currux's Maw. The neighboring Wastelands are Narsiym's Scourge and the Taken.
1. Use originality, make your own nightmares come into the RP in the form of the infected, and have fun with it.
2. Don't uber. The Children of Narsiym, or Shamblers as the survivors call them, are extremely powerful, and have mutations that can both add to and take away from their prowess in battle.
3. The preset types of Infected are: Harpies *man-sized bats with various claw-like mutations, they usually have large black wings and can rip a mans head off with ease*. Bloater *large sack of eggs that fling projectiles carrying hundreds of thousands of eggs, and if hit by one your character WILL die*. Roamer *a generally unmutated infected person, not intelligent in any way, and usually just shambles around, but can be deadly if you get close to them without being careful*. Brute *large scaly mutated person, usually with claw arms or scythed arms, heavily plated scales protect it from most physical attacks*.
4. Don't put anything inappropriate as a mutation on an infected.
5. Expect your character to die at least once or twice, there are a lot of people in the remnants of the army.
6. Nothing X-rated for romance.
7. Be realistic.
8. Any other normal RP rules that I missed.
9. No epic and uber gear, just some iron and steel at the most, maybe a piece or two of silver if you're a leading figure.
10. Please be an RPer with experience, especially if you want a leading role. The eleventh and most important rule is have fun!
P.S.. This is an RP made off of my fan fic "Carstein Chronicles." If you have any questions feel free to ask them or PM them to me.
Edit: Narsiym is the Ayleid Goddess of Disease. I made it up just btw. Also, Mannfred von Carstein is currently in his tower studying the disease. You are currently in a meeting discussing tactics with the Admiral and the other leading figures. You can be a normal soldier attending the meeting or anyone, and also, pm me your sheets. The Admiral is debating whether or not to call upon Mannfred to their aid.
Character List:
Darkom95: Varber Geves
IDroppedMyGlasses: Lieutenant Clementine Argrus
Chriso123: Salvius Nikotias
Ribbotson: Bagul gro-Glasha
Ambrose51: Orson Ashcroft
Apax: Unknown
Aussie_Made: Peter Covantus
Sibera: Unknown
P.S. *again*... Don't post until I make the opening post. Then feel free