Why learn math? Why learn algebra? If you've studied physics or chemistry, you know that an entire day spent working problems accomplishes exactly nothing in the real world.
Math by itself accomplishes nothing, but applied math explains the world. You apply math to the real world, and you get physics. Don't pretend that physics is worthless.
The world is not numbers. The world is not symbols. But without the understanding gained through working out the problems, you can't accomplish anything very big at all. With the understanding, you can literally remake bits of reality. But at the same time, the creators of math were perfectly aware that math is a lie. It's discarding anolog information for the sake of useful digital description.
Math isn't a lie; its an abstract construct. Of course there's no concrete thing as a number. You can't take the number eight and put it in your pocket. Our number system is just one base, but it's what we use, and it's not so abstract that it can be argued until it loses its meaning. If that were the case we'd never have gotten to the moon, and we wouldn't have high rise buildings or computers or industry. Math is only a building block, like carbon. It makes up everything, and just because in
your world you don't have to do math on a daily basis doesn't mean it's not used in the real world. That's the worst kind of ignorance. Physics and chemistry are the most important fields of study in the entire scope of mankind without further study of them, we'd shrivel over a loss of natural resources and suffocate under over-population. The best fate for mankind is to leave Earth and colonize other planets and eventually learn enough about neurochemistry, that we can identify all neurological ailments, fully understand the brain, increase neurological efficiency, and become gods.
As for playing around in the Matrix, you're literally doing that. [...] What are you doing? Why aren't you out fighting to save endangered gorillas in the Congo, or feeding the hungry, or being Batman? If you're here asking questions, and you've been doing this for FOUR YEARS, then either it must feel awfully important to you, and you should ask why, or you must be suffering some severe existential despair at the thought of frittering away that much of your life. Or both, which is what seems to be true.
I'm not "saving the world" because I don't care about those problems. I've been doing this for four years because it
is in fact important to me. And now you're judging me, making assumptions on my personality based on a few lines of text. How dare you. How dare you think you can sum me up and diagnose me without even seeing my face and talking to me in person. I could ask you what you've been doing with your life, but I won't, and don't think about answering. I don't want to know. I'm not going to slip down to your level of character assault. Do you honestly think that I've done nothing with my life but research TES lore? And I know what you're implying with that too. You think I'm an obsessive mess, unable to cope with the real world, so I choose to live a fictional life. You think I'm an escapist. From what fount of arrogance and malice do you draw from to condemn so? Go on and tell me a few more things about myself, professor, doctor. You smart, smart person. Tell me that four years is too long to spend on TES. Tell me I'm an idiot. Why stop with abstracts? Tell me I'm ugly and misshapen. Tell me I'm fat or emaciated. You seem to know
so much about me. You're so adept at extrapolating entire personalities from forum text, aren't you? Go on, goddamnit! Insult me some more!
As for your vision of mankind and the stars, you haven't answered the most important question: why? The universe of math doesn't care in the slightest whether mankind, or indeed any life, is in it. YOU care. And you care for reasons which can only be addressed through philosophy. Your idea of the future is not only joyless but it's a very young person's idea. Go watch Jersey Shore - or the news - and then tell us some more about the inevitability of the increasing rationality of mankind. And you haven't explained why your dystopic people would do that. Are they stupid? Don't they like six, surfing, the smell of a rainy night? Why would they, being so wise and advanced, decide to torture themselves far more creatively than anyone is capable of today?
Why? WHY? Why not!? Why do anything? Why shave and take showers? Why go out and earn money? Why seek to better yourself? Because you want to be better than what you are.
And yes I want to think that someday humanity will live beyond the problems that face us today. I want to think that things like Jersey Shore are just passing fads. I want to believe that we'll get off this planet and outlive our own solar system. I have hope for humanity. Forgive me for not being a misanthrope like everyone else.
My idea of the future isn't realistic. You want to hear a realist's take on the future? Here it is. See if it's any less joyless.
NASA is completely shut down. The US government decides that money spent on anything extraterrestrial is wasteful spending. Europe eventually drops its space programs as well. Growing information technology brings the world closer and closer together until every world power is digitally in spitting distance, making matters of currency and trade tariffs increasingly more tedious. National laws become more invasive to other countries with the further expansion of internet business especially in counties that are already very stringent in this regard, such as China. Digital warfare becomes more omnipresent in the world as a result. The world is so stitched together digitally though; no single country can risk breaking digital contact or risk changing the rules of internet usage, therefore digital legalities and illegalities continue to make countries butt heads. The United Nations convenes to finally set forth a master set of rules for digital multimedia, and the internet inevitably becomes completely federal. Private businesses are now subject to more capital gains taxes through digital business, and citizens are made to purchase licenses from the FCC. Furthermore, the internet becomes more nationalized, and American citizens cannot access British or Chinese, or German, or any other nationally owned sites without authorization. Digital tariffs are formed for digital information. Federal internet becomes a keystone of all world powers' infrastructure. Cyber terrorism becomes easier and easier as cyber terrorists seek havens in less-developed countries, working in unmediated digital gray regions, exploiting weaknesses in the digital domains of other countries. Culture further declines as television ratings, reality tv, and cookie-cutter sitcoms chip away at quality as it's doing now. Overpopulation increases with further medical advances. Growing knowledge in medicine makes mass-production easier and cheaper. Lower prices of medicine allows countries to defeat ailments such as cancer and further stop diseases caused by genetic mutation. It becomes cheap enough to stop the spread of AIDS in Africa, which further exacerbates overpopulation. National currency is threatened greatest now because nations are digitally side by side, and currency exchange and market fluctuations create further obstructions. The United Nations convenes to forcefully adjust all currencies together, but an agreement can never be reached. The Dollar reaches an all-time low, and digitally paying in Euros within the United States becomes commonplace. American debt allows Europe and Asia to dictate US economic policy. Digital proximity of world powers causes all counties to take greater interest in global elections, and market leaders along with multimedia giants work to pull strings in said elections to ensure people get elected that will serve their interests. 3rd World populations propped up by cheap medicine but unable to sustain themselves otherwise create an overpopulation problem so large, that the United Nations, now more of a digital oversight body convenes to place population limits on 3rd World countries. This causes global outrage. The digital world becomes a stage for proxy shadow wars between countries, caused mainly by economics. This along with cyber terrorism caused by UN mandates on population control causes a critical breakdown in digital multimedia infrastructure. By now modern medicine has allowed societal decadence to flourish. Over indulgence super-saturates American culture, and everything depends on the internet and digital communication. A digital attack on all of this sends everything crashing to the ground. When the smoke clears, the Federal government is forced to impose strict, authoritarian laws concerning digital communication and information sharing. This can't hold up with the rest of the world. The Dollar dies. The US becomes a client state of the EU. Internet usage becomes so strict, its usage is reduced to simple, interpersonal communication and basic business for regular citizens. The EU forcefully enforces population control laws on all world citizens. Digital monitoring becomes commonplace. Newborn children are genetically engineered for limited procreation. Energy consumption is forcefully enforced by the Federal government.
I could go on, but I won't. You'll just tell me everything I say is bullsh!t anyway.
I refuse to talk about:
1. The real world
2. Myself
3. Anything non-TES-related anymore.