Wouldn't a memorial be built only after the battle is over? If so, it would seem that the Anchorage memorial would be the biggest piece of evidence that the US won back Alaska; and then went on to China since they were close anyway.
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3262/2540408931_a4d32a17ff.jpg?v=0 isn't an evidence of glory as long as nobody wants to beleive in it, isn't it ?
Well, I don't really try here to change Fallout story, only to imagine something beyond the evidences.
Of course, I haven't enough money to buy Fallout Copyrights and I know my ideas might unlikely to go further than this imagination state whatever (
no time for a huge mod bringing any credits to my own version !
The question was "
So, China won the Great War ?" and as everybody seem agree to say they didn't, although there are a lot of lacks in the story-line...
I just try to find some breaches to play with : You'll be free to go on thinking the history is what it is looking like in the books and on holodisks, and it may often mostly be the case.
... But, well, wondering if there is nothing else behind what peoples are teaching you isn't systematically some kind of Holocaust denial :
The 11 September plot theory in "http://www.democracynow.org/2006/9/11/exclusive_9_11_debate_loose_change" isn't some aweful slander, only a theory which, indeed, might be shocking for a lot of peoples : According to me, it seems as unlikely to be the truth as the official version was !
Let's back to FO3 official version :Victory in Alaska (2077)
With the Chinese army slowly grinding to a halt thanks to the combined effort of grueling weather, relentless American assaults on their front lines, and disruption of supply lines thanks to American Power Armor units operating in China, the Chinese lines in Alaska collapse. On January 10, 2077, American military units, spearheaded by Power Armor, retake the Anchorage Front Line, and Alaska is formally, and completely, reclaimed from Chinese occupation. To commemorate this event, a memorial was erected in downtown DC, dedicated to the brave soldiers who fought on the Alaskan front.
Opening a new battlefield while Alaska one was still hot made
USA stuck on the two battlefields , although the Power Armor allow US Army a certain safety in front of the huge amount of chinese soldiers. Things go on like this for monthes but
finally US soldiers get back Anchorage (Yes, for true : Everybody let's make a memorial to our great soldiers!)Problem is the chinese soldiers haven't quit the place without
firing the oil resource before. :flame:
We are now in
2077, USA are ruined because of the war as much is China, they have won Alaska but they haven't no more resources and the country is collapsing because of poverty
AND the Plague.
Because of bloody riots containements, peoples in USA does no more trust their governement ; even soldiers back from Alaska revolt against the orders to kill their own families.
In the same time, other US soldiers based in China can't go home in an easy way : Not enough resources ;
everything is still burning at Alaska Anchorage Line.
US Army is defeated from the inside and China knows it : Time again to send men, but not in Alaska.
First, China will destroy US soldiers campements still on its mainland and then will prepare USA mainland assault.
US governement won't have to explain why US soldiers still in China don't write to their families : Mainly, the families are yet in jail.
The Enclave and the US governement quit the USA mainland in March probably because their spies told them what is about to happen !! :whisper:
In the same time, Anchoral memorial rised up in DC : Don't worry peoples, we won the war, so we will win against the Plague too ! :celebration:
...But no remedy found for the New Plague since the start of the infection many years earlier...
Let's recall it : Plague upcame in 2053 a few years only after the Sierra Army Depot has for new mission to make researches on biological weapons...
Since this time a national quarantine was still set so the virus won't spread around the world but it becomes more and more hard to prevent such a thing and other nations are looking at USA with some ...distrust.
So, here is the 2077 summer situation : USA are totally on the knees now, a few monthes only after a first victory at Anchorage Line, and are ironically about to be victims of a direct chinese invasion without being able to even ripost.
Governement is in exile, the country is lost. Everything is lost... Except they still have bombs waiting in the space to be triggered.
China won't even think they will ose such a thing, but the Enclave prepared many many bombs ; enough to destroy everything both in China AND in USA.
no more infected peoples, no more invasion ; only friends of them in the vaults, who will survive and help them build all again from scratch the new USA !