Well from what you guys of said South America has got it good, seeing as it doesnt sound like they got nuked, being mostly jungle or desert and a few mountains.. The major cities arent even contenders in anything, even now. I mean unless everybody just had touchscreen monitors that were for targeting nukes and they just ran their hand across the world map mode and wherever it touched got nuked, I assume there are countries that werent even affected, until of course the fallout engulfed the planet and the nuclear winter came about...
Course after a nuclear winter only the strongest most "dug in" pockets of civilization could survive..
I just find it interesting that without the 50's esque knowledge its hard for me to pin the tail on the donkey, so to speak...
Honestly, China winning wouldbt be suprising seeing as how they are pushing 1.3billion in present day, I assume even with a 50's world it would be around there in 2077. Im pretty sure its hard to kill 1.3 billion people seeing as how its such a large number, then again thier insanely dense population could result in total anhailiation. Where as a surviving element in the central united states is more feasible, seeing as how there are no strategic military targets there, unless killing lassie is their goal in life. XD
Even now strategic targets havent changed much from old times, places of political power, places of industry, and enemy military installments. Afterwards they move onto major cities, then the invasion would occur cleaning up any resistance if necessary.
Meh look at me rambling on.
Idk, but hooray China!
Just in case