It gets no love from most, but it's actually a fair weapon, especially with AP rounds.
I'd like/use the cowboy repeater more if it didn't take forever to hand load all those rounds for the PC. Not fair that companions get to reload it in 1 second (or whatever).
I never noticed that about the companions, thanks Lady Crimson :foodndrink: it would explain a few fights with Raul.
There is a glitch still with reload in general, it's particularly noticable with rapid reload and agility 8+.
Some times if you load up the game or just switch weapons the reload speed moves to the slowest level.
If you unequip and re equip the weapon it makes the weapon reload as it should do.
However the cowboy repeater long tube still makes even the proper speed reloads a bit of a chance in combat imo.
However if needed I can just double tap the fire button and stop reloading.
I just like the feel of and action of the service rifle.
It's one of the few guns that is decent at everything but not overpowered.
That and the look in first and third player view is nicely crafted.