Let me give two of the freshest examples from Skyrim, not because these don't occur in Oblivion or Morrowind but because they're fresh in my mind from Skyrim. The issue here is two-fold.. one, sometimes the only way to progress is forward, even if you feel like what you're doing is wrong there is no option to continue the quest properly without doing it. This has gotten worse over various ES games and seems at its peak in Skyrim. Two, however, is really, my general ES games complaint: lack of post-quest consequences/events. This obviously excludes the MQ, for the most part. Warning: Spoilers ahead!!!
1) Healing the tree in Whiterun - you have to get a nasty witch-dagger and then seriously hurt the tree of Kynareth herself even though people tell you it's WRONG. Now, granted, I didn't try to back out of it, so maybe there IS the option, but I doubt it. What i did, though, was cut my way to the tree, harm it, and then cause spriggans to bust out and kill all the innocent pilgrims while dying to my twisted blade. And then I came back, told the lady I got the branch/seed/whatever and just healed the damn tree and that's it. Ideal setup for a whole new, more involving, possibly sinister questline.. but instead.. it just ends.. tree doesn't even really change its looks and voila..that's it.
2) Azura's Quest - the only Daedric Quest I did so far and FAR more awesome than in Oblivion.. that is, until you finish it. Granted, again, maybe I just need to play more.. but so far, it seems to me that the only difference between following the guidance of a -very- powerful daedra who killed numerous innocents and drove the last man to try and corrupt her gem insane and, in fact, doing the madman's thing and defiling her gem is ... having a different soulgem and missing a follower. Seriously, Beth?!! How many super-powerful heroes through the ages wielded the Star and now some scrappy Nord comes along and defiles it and that's OK with Azura?
No retribution, no additional quests?!
2) Azura's Quest - the only Daedric Quest I did so far and FAR more awesome than in Oblivion.. that is, until you finish it. Granted, again, maybe I just need to play more.. but so far, it seems to me that the only difference between following the guidance of a -very- powerful daedra who killed numerous innocents and drove the last man to try and corrupt her gem insane and, in fact, doing the madman's thing and defiling her gem is ... having a different soulgem and missing a follower. Seriously, Beth?!! How many super-powerful heroes through the ages wielded the Star and now some scrappy Nord comes along and defiles it and that's OK with Azura?
No retribution, no additional quests?!
So yeah, these are just two examples off the top of my head, I'm pretty certain I'll run into much more stuff like this (as has happened in Ob and MW both). Question is.. are people as bothered by this kinda thing as me or am I the only one who wishes quests that set up dramatic events actually follow up to their premise?