So, I've actually updated my planned SPECIAL build compared to my first one and have made some changes. The most significant change being lowering my previous planned Intelligence of 8 to 6, and giving those two points to Strength to total 3 points for that attribute. I looked over some of the later Intelligence perks and realized there is no point in starting at 8 INT for perks I have no interest in from the start (Chemist and Robotics Expert). So, I might as well put it into another attribute that has something I'm interested in. That being the Armorer perk in STR. So this is my official planned build. Mind you this is copy and pasted from Google Docs because I decided to be more organized about it. Nothing over the top for your typical RPG player. 
Build description: Focused on using energy weaponry, while taking advantage of V.A.T.S., stealth, and critical hit damage from said sneak attack damage or in general.
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Stats:
S - 3
P - 3 (4)
E - 1
C - 1
I - 6 (10)
A - 8 (10)
L- 6 (9)
* (Lesser essential perks that I will not focus on getting that much, but something to consider later on)
Strength Perks: Armorer
Perception Perks: Pickpocket, Rifleman, Awareness, Locksmith
Intelligence Perks: Medic, Gun Nut, Hacker, Scrapper, Science!, Robotics Expert*, Nerd Rage!*
Agility Perks: Gunslinger, Sneak, Action Boy, Ninja, Quick Hands, Moving Target*, Gun Fu
Luck Perks: Scrounger*, Better Criticals, Critical Banker, Grim Reaper’s Sprint, Luck of the Irish
The reason I consider Robotics Expert is because it was a perk I actually liked in Fallout 3. It was extraordinarily useful for sneak characters when trying to navigate specific areas such as the Vault Tec Headquarters, L.O.B. Enterprises, and the National Guard Depot. Locations riddled with nasty robots such as the Sentry Bot. The only issue being the perk was just very situational, as robots were not the most common enemy. Thus why the perk is something considered later on in Fallout 4. Nerd Rage looks far more interesting this time around as well with the slow down time effect and increased damage (much better over the useless +2 STR of Fallout 3). However, it is a perk that grants benefits from negatives such as low health. Not something I want to strive for, thus it is considered later on. Moving Target is something only considered because it's just more damage resistance. And as someone who doesn't care much for END anyway, not something I want too badly. But it's in Agility so why not. Scrounger is only considered because I don't know how ammo is going to be in this game. Although, being an energy weapon user, I have a feeling I will end up getting this perk.
Starter Perks:
Level 1 - Sneak
Level 2 - Action Boy
Level 3 - Better Criticals
Level 4 - Science!
Level 5 - Hacker
Level 6 - Increase Perception +1
Level 7 - Locksmith
Level 8 - Ninja
Level 9 - Quick Hands
Level 10 - Armorer or Gun Nut
These are the basic perks I plan on getting at the start. I have not planned further as I do not know the exact specifics of what I will be needing to adapt to most. Once I finally play the game and understand what I'm dealing with, it will be much easier deciding what I need.
Long post is long.